Monday, December 06, 2010


Today we have arrived at the Letter " U ".
I can USUALLY find UNIQUE pictures and words for the letter of the day.
UNFORTUNATELY, I was UNABLE to find many.
I even had the perfect picture for the " U " word... UGLY.
It was a terrific funny sign that got erased from my pictures!
So...on to the first photo. The tree climber is of the URSINE variety.
Actually his color is UMBER.

You don't want to be UNEQUIPPED while working in the kitchen.
Wearing the UTENSIL apron
should give you the UPPER hand to serving a great meal.

Please don't take UMBRAGE at my posting the UKULELES for a second time.
I just ran out of UNUSED photos.

I rather like the UNDULATING lines on the UMBRELLA when it is UP.
Now don't be UPPITY.
Please stop by Mrs.Nesbitts link on my sidebar
and see what UNUSUAL and UNBELIEVABLY UNIQUE posts are there for the letter " U ".
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Olivier said...

la photo avec le faux ours est superbe, on y croirait

Ginny Hartzler said...

I enjoyed all the pictures, I think that animal is not real, it did take lots of studying though! Nothing slips by on this near-sighted senior!

mrsnesbitt said...

Hilarious - I honestly thought the first picture was a bear up a tree! A great selection - loved the apron! Think I should get one for my cooking experiments.

LC said...

Unparalleled! Want to know more about that strange bear, though

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that bear is very intersting, looks like hand carved wood? lots of U's and that is a hard letter

Unknown said...

I think you are unbelievably unique and wonderful! For real! XO

Wanda said...

Oh you are the first "U" post I've found... Like all your choices, but that Apron is so cute.

Sylvia K said...

I love all your unique, unusual U words for the day! You are so clever! Great captures, too! What a delightful, hilarious way to start my morning! Hope your week is going well!


Nanka said...

U Ugly I thought but the pictures that followed are making a perfect 'U' post!!

Loved the undulating very much!!

Barbara said...

I thought that bear was real too at first! Great pictures.

Cezar and Léia said...

You are so creative, I loved this set of U words and so nice pictures!

kc bob said...

UnUsual assortment of pics Sue. I always think of Arther Godrey when I see a ukulele.

Roger Owen Green said...

upright set of u words; don't sweat a litttle repetition, as it's a good set

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

EG CameraGirl said...

Great series of U shots! I'm another one fooled by the bear photo. :)

Gigi Ann said...

Very UniqUe post, as always. My ring on my phone is a UkUlele playing a cUte little song.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for this funny and entertaining post. You are a great artist with words.

Carver said...

I think you did a fantastic job with the letter U. I like all the shots and the first one was priceless.

MaR said...

Love the ukeleles! and your variety of choices for U.
Happy ABC Wed!
U is for...

Leslie: said...

Always a treat to see what you come up with each week! Love it all again today. btw, thanks for your comments today, too. :D

Joy said...

I had to click to enlarge to work out if the bear was real and if it was after honey. Interesting.

Tumblewords: said...

Unusual collection of U. I found nothing to un-friend. :) Especially loved the undulating umbrella stripes.

Hildred said...

Marvelous Uès, and such a great quantity of them. I am trying to imagine myself in the kitchen with the utensil apron!!!!

Tarun Mitra said...

Beautiful post..nice conception with a difficult but beautiful word :)

Rajesh said...

As usual wonderful shots and amazing choice of words.

Ingrid said...

Love the "bear" picture you finally found a lot of "u"s !

Cheryl said...

Is that a real bear in the first shot? It looks like a statue made from some strange material.

That utensil apron rocks!

Yoshi said...

Thanks for commenting on my U entry. I like the first photo. It's lovely.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Always a brilliant post here in spite of missing images! I love the bear in the tree! Whoever thought of that is genius!

penny said...

I too thought the bear was real and I'm still not sure he isn't playing possum up in the tree.
Ur post is delightfully playful:)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love all of your images, the one on top is especially cute.

creative list of u words.
brilliant entry.

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

Brava!! Well done - lots of fun 'U' words and I like the pics, too, even if you are missing the Ugly one!

Beverley Baird said...

What great choices for U! Love how you weave a fun story with your photos! What an ugly ursine!

ChrisJ said...

Great and colorful post, especially the undulating umbrella

Francisca said...

A very inventive U post... it's not an easy letter, is it?

Unknown said...

Great collection of U-words with fun photos. U was not easy, and you did well!
Best wishes,
Anna's abcWdRd7-U

Anna's abcWdRd7-T

Hilary said...

U always post the best! Love the leafy(?) bear and all Ur UniqUe captions.

Merisi said...

That utensil apron is so witty! :-)))
Love all the other images too.