Tuesday, October 05, 2010


LET'S try this again. I am practically LIVID.
After working at LEAST an hour to do this post, it would not go through.
Of course LUCKY me...I hadn't saved it!!
So I will LAY my annoyances aside and try to remember what I wrote in the first place.
I wonder how many LICKS it would take to finish the LARGE LOLLIPOP?

Here is the OakLAND - San Francisco Bay Bridge. It is the LINK between the East and West Bay Areas.
Work has been going on for building a new span
since a section went down
during the 1989 LOMA Prieta earthquake.
The workers aren't LAZY or LAGGARDS.
They have LEARNED to just move on inspite of politics and the economy.
There isn't too much LEFT for the new span to be completed.
There will be LOTS of celebration when its finished.

The LIFE-LIKE colors and images of the LEGENDARY LOGOS were wonderful to see.
The LABELS went the entire LENGTH of the warehouse wall.

To me it says,
LIFE is good.
LEAP over to Mrs. Nesbitts LINK to see what others have posted for the LETTER " L ".

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Sylvia K said...

What a terrific collection of L words for the L Day! Don't you hate it when you lose what you've worked so hard on? Well, your re-do is perfect! Love your photos and that being said, I'm hungry for a Lollipop, but think I'd better have some regular lunch instead! Enjoy your week!!


Beverly said...

Oh, I love the labels...so colorful. Doesn't Blogger save your posts as you are doing them?

Barbara said...

Wonderful L word images. I love the lollipops!

LC said...

Lollipops, bridge and rose are my favorites, especially when i click to enlarge. I can even see the texture of the rose petals! Nice!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Lovely post and images! I was living in S. CA when that 'quake hit. I had siblings living in Oakland and San Jose area. I can't believe that the span is not done yet! Quite a contrast to the 6 month span it took to complete the part of I-5 that collapsed.

Unknown said...

Wow Susan! These are just beautiful! What lovely L pictures you have collected together. I love your determination to get the job done even though it took you two times to do it. You are the best.

Anita said...

I think you've covered all the L words to describe your pictures and the LABOR put into it! (Did you use labor? I'll have to go back and check.)

Nice work.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Life IS good when I'm looking at your posts! You make it seem to be a bowl of cherries...er...lollipops! Just LOVE the rose and the lolliopos, so colorful! I'm LUSTING for one right now. You are a wizard with words, and pictures, also! LATER!!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Love the lollipops - great choices again this week. A

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yum on the lolli pops and it would take a while, and you did a great job covering the L for today.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love your L-words, especially the lollipops!

Amy said...

You turned a lemon into lemonade on this post Sue!

LisaF said...

I have no clue how many licks it would take as I can't finish one without biting into it! Your rose is Lovely. The petals look like velvet.

Kay L. Davies said...

I remember my mother teaching me a song from her early childhood (circa 1930)...
L-O-Double L-I-P-O-P, you see,
Just a lick
Upon a stick
Guaranteed to make you sick...
Lollipop for me!

I used to wonder why you'd want to make yourself sick, but that didn't stop me from eating them myself. LOL

Kay, Alberta

Annelie said...

Lots of L here!
I would like a lollipop, please!
And thank´s for your comment

Annelie E
Wednesday team

Hilary said...

Well at least you got five more L words out of your Blogger woes. ;) Love those Lollipops!

Joy said...

A lot of lovely licks to finish those huge lollipops.
Glad you have won against the vagaries of Blogger. I was fighting with the upload yesterday, at least it seems to be working today.

Olivier said...

Yessssssssss Lollipop ;)))

Cheryl said...

Beautiful photos to go with your Ls today. The internet has been LAGGING and LOSING my stuff LATELY too! I do save but having to upload over and over again drives me nuts.

Wanda said...

Now I keep singing "Lolly Pop, lolly pot, la la la Lolly Pop!!!

Love all your pictures and glad you were able to re-do for a perfect L post.

Gigi Ann said...

Very lovely use of the L words today. The Rose is Lovely and beautiful. How many licks in the lollipops, I wonder?

Roger Owen Green said...

my boy lollipop - some song from my childhood; that's what popped into my head from your post

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Luscious lollipops! Love the language of your post and the gorgeous photos!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what a big lollipop. I did want my kids buy lollipops like that, too much sugar and too much food colouring.

At fairs, I see parents buying these giant lollipops, and not long after, the kids have enough.

Lost in thoughts said...

Mouth watering Lollypops...

ChrisJ said...

Oh I do hate that, when I lose something on the computer. Lovely lollipops, especially. Lots of hard work in this blog!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I can't get past the lollipops!! LOL!!! So cute... and memory inducing!

Reader Wil said...

You are the queen of the alphabet! I am always looking forward to seeing your blog when the new letter is having its turn.Thanks for all your work!

Nanka said...

Those lolly-pops really look good,so does the rose.Also CONGRATULATIONS !! on reaching a landmark of 1000 posts earlier.

MaR said...

Fantastic collection for L's! the rose is more than lovely.


Sarah said...

Lovin' those Lolipops! And it may have been frustrating but it sure made me smile!

Anonymous said...

I'm 'L' bound ;-)

kc bob said...

Love that rose!

Phyllis said...


Granny Smith said...

Wonderful set of Ls. I have just completed about 3 hours before posting. I wanted to add another picture to mine, but it refused to add, so I finally gave up! I've never had any problem like that in my many years of blogging!

Laurie said...

Love these.

I hate that I don't get around as much as I would like. I'm sorry I miss so much...time to catch up some!

Beverley Baird said...

What a great story of L! Fabulous picks for the week!
Glad that this time your post posted! I hate when the computer acts up! I want to kick it!
take care!

jel said...

it takes over 2000 licks to finish that lollipop !! :0)

AphotoAday said...

"L"ove what you've shown here...

Unknown said...

I am loving your wide latitude of L's!
Thanks, Helen Mac, ABC team

Snow Leopard said...

Wow! That is a lot of Ls