Its hard to believe that I have made 1000 posts on Blogger.
A big thanks goes to all of you. I so appreciate all the comments and
friendships I have made through this medium.
Here's to another 1000!
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
Congradulations! So does that train going down the tracks represent all thos posts that have come and gone?
Beautiful capture to go with your 1000th! If I reach this number, please track me down and shoot me.
Absolutely! I love your photos :)
Great photos and I know you had a great time with Beverly....
congrats on your 1000th. you could not have chosen a better photograph because I love all things train.
Wow! I'm impressed. I do believe I saw that train just the other day.
Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment, keep it going!
Oh my goodness.... Congratulations... You have given us 1000 truly great posts...
I just noticed... I running 5 behind you... We'll celebrate in Tahoe!!
Congrats on 1000!
Your photos are fantastic!
1000! Impressive and congrats! Love the picture :)
happy for you, 1000, perfect and lovely journey.
I'm so impressed! You do such a lovely job, please keep it up for another 1,000.
Congratulations! That is quite a mile post. I hit 500 on Monday. Can't imagine another 500 more. Great photos by the way
Congratulations for your big milestone! That is q quite lot's of post!
Cheers and congratulations on your 1000th post!
I just had mine, too, not so long ago! It's really an accomplishment to stay the course. Looks like the train enjoyed the ride, too.
Wow.. that's amazing! Congrats to you Sue.. many you post thousands more.
Your lovely friend from Florida has gone home now, I had a comment from her on my blog.
1000 posts, you are a champion blogger in my eyes! I've been at it for 4 years I think.... and have only passed the 400 mark!
May your posts continue to cross the cyber space airwaves for a long time to come!
Hugs from canada!
FELICITATION ET BRAVO. Surtout que les photos sont toujours superbes, alors bonne continuité
Congratulations! This photo goes great with your 1000th post. :-)
Toasting 1000 with you!
Well done, Keep up the good work. Love the railway wagon.
Happy 1,000! I can hardly wait for number 100,000. By the way... fascinating photo for number 1,000.
Congrats! That is awesome.
I love trains.
Congratulations from me too Sue. Well done! - Dave
отлично, люблю романтику поездов
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