Friday, October 08, 2010


Fog, rain, some residual snow and Fall color.
That's what we saw yesterday in the Sierras near Lake Tahoe.
It was a magical day with the sun finally peaking its nose out from behind the clouds.
Another week to ten days and there will be color everywhere.
Be sure to enlarge this photo to see all the detail and textures.
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Cheryl said...

That's a really lovely shot. If the rain hadn't taken down half the leaves around here, it'd be about a week until peak. :(

Beverly said...

An interesting photo...a little eerie. Nice. I'm glad you had a good day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a true fall picture, I love the patches of yellow leaves. It is just the tinest bit spooky, don't know why, but you have a good eye, I would have missed this shot, and that would have been a shame.

Wanda said...

I'm so excited about Tahoe... It's not that far off!

Your picture is lovely, and I'm looking forward to lots of color when we go. Also really looking forward to our visit.

Unknown said...

Really beautiful picture. Stunning! I love it. This made my day! I am glad you get to see colors where you are. I feel sad for the people that don't : (
God made our world so beautiful, didn't he?

BPOTW said...

Awesome shot. You captured 'autumn' beautifully.

Laurie said...

Snow??? I'm not ready to think about snow just yet.

But...Wow! This is lovely.

Thanks for you kind comments on my current entry. I "fixed" the video with a little better quality edition.

ChrisJ said...

Really a good shot. The mist gives it reality.

Andy said...

I also like to take photos in a forest. It's amazing how tree will adapt to any condition to stay alive. For example in your photo they have taken root in rocks. Life is powerful.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Lovely - I wish I could get to a forest ....but not this year. Maybe next!

Hilary said...

Gotta love the colours these days. Beautiful shot.

Dave said...

A nice autumn photo Sue (or Fall as you say) I also liked the nice and bright photos on your previous blog. - Dave

jel said...

Fall must be in the air! :)

Shammickite said...

I really like the misty mysteriousness of this photo. I expect a hooded figure on horseback to emerge out of the gloom.....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have no color to chase but the weather is perfect. mid 60's when we wake up and mid 80's at noon with little or no humidity. will not make fall colors but makes for feeling good.

Mike's Travels said...

Great to see the colours coming :) Looking forward to more!