This looks like we had a sudden snow storm in our backyard.
Actually it's a blizzard of almond petals this morning.
After some simply gorgeous weather we are back in the wind and rain cycle.
All the pretty blossoms are falling to the ground.
This was the way the almond tree was 2 days ago.
Have a great weekend everyone. Try to stay warm and dry.
It's snowing petals! I love this when this happens. I wish this was happening at my house right now.
: )
What unique pictures.... How special!
Oh this is so much nicer than the snow we have been getting all week. Really pretty blossoms.
Sunny :)
wow that is awesome! well kind of & at least it isn't snow because i could only imagine the cold that goes along with it. It has been rather rainy/windy here as well which i haven't been happy with but luckily enough i have been able to enjoy the weekends with out the rain & it has been gorgeous! What a beautiful tree & pictures
You've brightened my cold, gray afternoon Sue. Thanks - it's pouring here. Wishing you a good weekend too!
Love these images. Much better than the cold, wet stuff!
So pretty.. I'm envious!
Oh, the snow around the tree, it was the first thought that came to me when I spotted the first photo. The scene is wonderful, yet I am sorry for the blossoms short lasting. If only we could enjoy their beauty longer. I love those lovely blossoms on the third photo. That is breathtaking beauty. All your photos are really great.
I can't believe i got to my ripe OLD age and have never seen and almond tree. these are beautiful. it looks like powdered sugar in the first 2 photos. the blooms are lovely. that is a shame they are falling, won't that keep the almonds from coming on the tree?
"almond petals" - now that is the kind of blizzard I want :)
Your almond tree looked wonderful Sue. Pitty the petals are falling off in the wind, but the yard looks nice with the petals on the ground anyway. - Dave
Top shot is very graphic...
The top two remind me of Japanese paintings. These are prime b&w candidates!
Now that is the nice kind of snow! I think I am tired of the other kind :(
i did a double take when I saw this! Quite spectacular!!
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