Here we are at the letter " F " in our trip through the alphabet.
While driving Far away From the Freeway we Found this Funny sign.
We never Found the white horse so ... maybe the sign was false ....
I captured these Fancy Feet by some Farm equipment when our Family was visiting the Agricultural Museum.
Here is an amazing Faux truck. Its not Factory made. A class of high school Freshmen and Sophomores
Fashioned the entire truck out of Finely crafted wood. Every piece of the truck was carved and honed to pure perfection.
Even the underside was complete with axels and exact detail. Fascinating, isn't it?
You can see the detail that was Fabricated From Floor to the Fancy steering wheel and dials.
This was a Fantastic Find and I Felt excited to see such craftmenship.
Find out what Fellow bloggers have posted For the letter " F " by going to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
For enlarging just click on each "Foto".
You have such a lovely post on F.
Lovely pictures ,
You truly ROCK F!
That wood truck is absolutely "F"abulous!
Many Fantastic F!:-)
Great post for the F day and that wood truck is incredible! Terrific captures for the day! Hope you're having a wonderful week!
Wow. I mean, WOW! Great post! I love the sign for the white horse! And that fabulous faux truck crafted from fine wood is off the charts!
What a great array of F ites for this week!
Great photos!
The woodwork is wonderful, but your initial shot is a hoot. I can just imagine people getting out of their cars, concerned to see a horse, prone in a field and prodding the poor old thing!
Sue, I agree with Paula - WOW! The truck is a work of art and I think the sign is hilarious - hope the horse is alive and well still!
I literally Fell for that sign - I like that kind of humour.
I love the sign about the White Horse. Must have been having a few too many naps in the field and making the neighbours worry.
that sign is priceless! I can just imagine the different scenarios that may have been played out prompting someone to finally just put up a sign.
That sign is really funny. I would stop my coach for a sign like that (provided I had my camera with me).
And that car is fantastic! It must have been a lot of work, but it looks absolutely beautiful.
The sign makes me laugh ^_^
F is Family
The sign is too funny for words : ) Oh my goodness : ) I love it! And the faux vehicle is awesome. outstanding.
You are my favorite ABC wednesday! I can't wait to visit you each week!
What a great post for F.
the sign is HYSTERICALLY funny.
I especially like the faux truck.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!
Wow! You collected a truck load of "F" words! Great job! And, the photos to go with them...superb!
Fascinating post! The wooden truck is absolutely stunning.
WoW! What a Fantastic "F" post. That truck takes the cake!!
That truck is amazing! It's truly a "woody".
What a fantastic post, Sue. That sign is wonderful and that wooden truck is so impressive.
I love the sign - I can imagine that the old horse had caused too much consternation one too many times!
That truck - What a wonderful apprentice project. :)
Wow, that was fun! Seriously, I loved it. :}
what a FUN trip! :)
retour dans le passé, superbe ce vieux camion
fascinatingly fantastic post!
How you find all those F words is a great achievement! Wonderful F words and the first photo is very funny indeed!
Have a great week!
You have some great photos here. Interesting to.
Thank you for your kind words that you left on my blog. I am also a photo-wannabee, but not having proper thumbs is an obstacle at times.
Sara Cat
Great shots for the sign...
what a diff take on F me likes :)
maybe the white horse really died. that is a funny sign. i drive a GMC pickup but it does not look like this one. great photos as always. made me smile
great finds thanks for sharing
Great eclectic mix well captured, fantastic false feet, a sign says more than is written and a car that can never move, but fabulous.
Such a creative treatment of the day! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post.
Fab F post - love the pictures.
Rather fantastic i must say! i enjoyed the truck made of wood... and would have found it lovely visiting in person!
I could probably use one of those signs at my front door... I'd just change "horse" to "Don" and "she" to "he" and I could probably get some peace and quiet around here... People always stopping to see if I'm dead or alive... I'm just napping...
very cool and the story of your journey to letter F...
Mine is up too, it is here. I hope you can visit.
I also think that wooden truck is amazing! Looking at your previous blog Sue aren't those budding fruit trees early? Which state do you live in? Seattle in Washington State seem to be getting an early spring. Do you live there? - Dave
Wow. Just ... wow. I had to call my OH and show him that truck. We are both stunned and amazed at the craftsmanship and the amount of work involved. I hope they are all very proud of their achievement - as OH says, it's a museum piece! And the lessons they learned! Apart from working with wood, teamwork, persistence, commitment ... just incredible, and very praiseworthy!
Oh, and the horse sign is just SO funny! LOL!
This is an amazing find!
That truck is certainly a fine bit of craftsmanship; fabulous!
That truck is absolutely fascinating! I would love to read more about it. Where did you find it?
Nice article,
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thx for blogwalking my friend
Amazing truck!
That sign about the white horse is AWESOME! I laughed out loud... boss asked me why so I had to share. We live in a town called Whitehorse so it made us giggle even more I think!
Thanks for sharing. I'm loving your blog!
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