Today's letter for ABC Wednesday is the letter " G ".
This picture is of the GRINDING Morter Rocks just a few miles from our home.
The Maidu Indians made the GENTLE hills and ravines their home. The women went down to the creek and GROUND their acorns into a GRUEL and flour for their daily meals.
" G " is for GEARS. My GUESS is these are part of an airplane engine and GUIDE the plane in flight.
My Last " G " for today is GIZMOS. All the GEARS and GIZMOS can be seen on the back of this GLITZY antique fire truck.
GO ahead and enlarge the pictures to get the GRAND perspective.
To see what others have posted for " G ", GO to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
Thanks for looking.
I have my younger son and his family visiting from Oregon for a week. I will try to GET to your blogs but we are GALLIVANTING
all over. Eventually I will visit. GRADUALLY things will be back to normal.
Sue, Good for you - galavanting is a grand exercise for the good of all!
I remember seeing rocks like that in Columbia (State Park) in the Gold Country. Have you ever tasted acorn gruel? Nasty but nutritious I guess.
Enjoy your family and have a great week!
those rocks are really neat! that's pretty cool they are so close to your house, fun post!
You do have a way of finding a high variety of subjects for each letter. My favourite must be the Gizmos.
What a fun post for the day, Sue! I love the rocks! How interesting! Hope you have a great week!
Wow the first photo is so awesome and unique. We could just imagine how they work hard before. Thanks for sharing
G is for Gold
Interesting rocks and info! I like the gizmos also. Enjoy your visit with family.
Cool post! I especially love the grinding mortar rocks. How neat is that that have this so close to your home!
Great G's!!
Great words again and great photos to go with them. I wonder, are the grinding Morter Rocks man- made or are they just a phenomenon created by nature? They are very interesting.
Nice use of the letter G...Thank you for visiting my Dr. Seuss post..I appreciate it....Michelle
Gallivanting is good for the soul! I'm amazed by the grinding mortar rocks.
je ne connaissais pas, mais j'aime beaucoup la premiere photo.
Wow! A double post cos I know hy hubby would be so interested in this post! That is rare! Great stuff S xxxxx
Interesting looking grinding mortar rocks! Have fun gallivanting with your family.
Some pretty amazing stuff starting with G.
very grand indeed! I am the kind of person that likes to figure out how everything works and i am very drawn to the photos of the gears & gizmos!
I love your G post. As I have loved every other letter : ) Gallavanting is such a great word!
What a great group of G things! Great photos!
/verrry interesting - especially the Grinding stones. Hope you have a happy time with your family.
Nice article, this really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thx for blogwalking my friend
The green between the rocks is very good green!
Those grinding rocks are great - a lovely piece of history close to your home.
Love the gears and gizmos!
very beautiful choices
Interesting variety of photos Sue. Typical woman though calling mechanical things gizmos! :-) (No offence intended) - Dave
Have nice time with your family. The pictures of the machinery are so sharp and clear, I did enlarge them to have a Grand view.
Maybe you'll get some good Gallivanting photos to post next week. Love the rocks. So unusual. The gears are so detailed. Thanks.
I know about grinding and using rocks and other things, but i have never seen or heard of the mortar rocks, that is so interesting. thanks for sharing it
Gleaming gizmos make great photos.
A great group of photos. the grinding mortar rocks are especially interesting.
Wow - that was a lot of grinding to get all those holes in those rocks. I bet it was extremely interesting to visit that area.
Well wasn't this a fun post of "G".
Those rocks are so unique.
The colors in the Gears and Gadgets are so cool.
well, that is a great set of gizmos.
I LOVE the grinding stones!! I can't imagine eating acorns though, they must be so bitter.
Look at all the water in those little holes. Quite beautiful.
Wow. That is an impressive set of rocks. And to think about those days and the sights and sounds. It must have been wonderful.
The rocks are fascinating! Have a great weekend :)
Gee, so interesting! :-)
I did not know that acorns were actually edible.
I learned from research about a poor German writer that he and his wife tried to cook acorns, but found them unpalatable, whatever way they tried to cook them.
My husband tells me the Indians had to soak the acorns after drying them, about 2 weeks, to get the tannins out, which were bitter. You can use that liquid to tan leather. Also, when there was a huge famine in Europe in 1709, acorn flour saved much of the population!
Thank you for the splendid idea of framing and hanging photos of my soon-to-be-demolished building in our new space!
amazing photos,
I love rocks.
You rocked on this post!
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