Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 Good Morning..

I know our weather doesn't begin to compare with what's been going on in the midwest and south.


Its been pretty crazy for my part of Northern California.

A few days ago we could see that some crazy weather was brewing.

The clouds were darkening and it was getting colder.

Snow was definitely going to "dump" in the mountains.

This is looking in an NE direction towards the Sierras about 2 hours away from us.

And then...

The rains came, the lightening flashed and the thunder boomed like I hadn't heard it in years.  It made our windows rattle.  We got hail too.  Fortunately not the huge kind that scours the paint off everything.

And now today...

The sun is shining and there is no wind.

We did have frost early this morning, but now that's all gone too.

As I have said before...

March is such a Fickle month.

Hopefully this was the last big blast before we get some warmer weather.

Of course then I shall be moaning about being too hot..

I guess I can be fickle too.  😅😀

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


The Happy Whisk said...

The pictures came out great. Yes, Mama Earth can be all over the place. We had hail and strong winds and that was all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have Fickle under contract myself. ha ha... always to hot, to cold, to wet,, Fickle and Henny Penny lie in my head. the weather certainly sent your beautiful photos to show us, all of them...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, March sure is a month of fast changes! A few minutes from here, it hailed so much that it landed in drifts like snow!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is some crazy weather. We have had some unusual weather her in Southern California. We haven't had any thunder or lighting in a very long time. Also that frost in the morning too! Hopefully things will settle down soon. So true, we will be talking about the heat before you know it. LOL

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Our forecast is showing rain tomorrow and then a week of drying out and warmer temperatures before another system blows in.
That was cute when you said, you could be fickle, too! 😆 We didn’t have rain yesterday and so far today it’s clear and sunny. A bit cold. We don’t have too much longer to go, although I’m always reminded of the saying, “April showers brings May flowers” so I wouldn’t put away the rain boots just yet!

Mari said...

Ha! I guess I'm fickle sometimes too.. The weather has been crazy here too. 60 degrees one day, snowing the next. I do like your cloud pics!

Shug said...

You all really have had some "fickle" weather..Your area looks so pretty and the pictures are so good. I'm hoping that our March temps are not indicating that our Summer is going to be HOT. It has been 86 degrees already and that is warm enough for me. Take care and enjoy your beautiful weather today.

Wanda said...

Fickle Sue, How do you do??? HaHa. I think we are all fickle with the crazy weather. We have beautiful sunshine today, and I'm so glad as I have a eye appointment for my glacoma. So far the nightly drops of Lumican have kept it at bay, and it hasn't progressed any further. A blessing ~ I can't hear, but I can see...haha count your blessings. Love you sweet Sue.

Chatty Crone said...

You know what Sue - those must have been the storms that came over to the east. We had the exact same kind of weather. Glad you did not get the golf ball size hail!

Ann said...

The weather has been crazy here too. We also had rain and hail the other day.

Mevely317 said...

Aren't Mother Nature's mood swings something else? So glad y'all didn't encounter anything more serious. I've given up trying to figure out what to wear these days.
Like you, before long I'll be complaining about the heat!

Marie Smith said...

Glad there wasn’t any damage. Great photos, Sue.