I thought I had better get busy and post about the first day of spring before it was totally done for this year.
I went to Walmart this morning and the sun wasn't being cooperative.
The black birds were really having a choir rehearsal and leaving their "autograph" all over the cars in the parking lot.
The sun finally came out now when its almost sunset time.. didn't get any photos.
This is also Throwback Thursday.
This is our younger son Mark in the early 1990's.
He was involved with the Christian organization YWAM ... Youth With A Mission.
He traveled all over the world and spent several months in East Africa.
He lived with the people of Tanzania, He helped doing Primary Health Care.
Mark made his decision there on the Field to continue his education back in the state of Oregon and got his RN degree.
He never went back to the foreign ministry but has been a Registered Nurse for more than the last 20+ years.
We are so proud of him and how he has lived his life and the compassion he displays every day.
Always be Grateful
Always be Kind
I loved hearing about Mark. We've had several youth from our church go to YWAM too. I'm sure Mark has been a blessing to many in his years of nursing.
Mark looks so much like his dad. And you really should be so proud of him. Nurses these days are so scarce and are so overworked. Yet they continue helping the sick even at their own expense. WHY do crows always congregate at Wal-Mart??
Aww! Your Son is a wonderful example of the true meaning of giving to others!
I thought this was a picture of your hubby when he was young, until I read the post. I am thinking he is an amazing nurse, with his love for others. that is important for a nurse to CARE and the photo shows he does
What a fabulous experience that was for your son and even better that it started him on his career path.
What a fun picture and story of the "Birds". LOL. And I love the story about your son Mark. That is so wonderful...the work he did as a young man, and that he continued his "ministry" as a nurse is fabulous. I can imagine he is a great nurse to have attending you. I remember hearing about YWAM through Keith Green's ministry. Seems like he and his wife were connected to that organization somehow. Our son Matthew loved Keith Green's music, and it was instrumental in turning his life around for the Lord. Now they are both in heaven and singing those songs in glory! Have a blessed and wonderful day. I loved your post.
That's so funny about the birds' "choir rehearsal"!
I don't have to tell you this, but your Mark's sure an amazing man. First his foreign ministry; and then listening to his heart to become an R.N. Wow. I wish there were more Mark's out there -- but 2 steps of separation (lol) I'm feeling fortunate to call his mother my friend.
That's a lot of birds in the tree. That was so wonderful for your son to do that work. I'm sure it was greatly appreciated. How nice that he is a nurse. Our son in law is a nurse. Have a nice weekend.
Good for Mark...I know he must have some very interesting stories he could tell.. What a wonderful blessing to be able to help in a foreign country, and then to be here helping people through his nursing. You all have much to proud of... Happy Weekend...
I love that Mark made his life vocation to help people with his skills and his kindness. He does look like his dad. I love the picture of him with his African friends. He fits right in...Love you! Happy Spring!
I love the photo of the birds in the tree but the one of your son was from a pivotal time in his life. Amazing!
What a pretty picture of the crows in the tree. It almost looks like a black and white.
Nice picture of your son. That must have been quite an experience for him.
One of my granddaughters went on a missions trip to Australia with WYAM back in the day.
I liked the first photo but not exactly spring.
I know you are so proud of your son - what a service to others.
Picture still came out good though.
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