Monday, March 10, 2025


 Hi Everyone,

Are you awake this fine day after Daylight Savings Time?

It sure was hard for us to get up for church yesterday.  I didn't like getting up in the dark...yawn...

We did it and I have to admit there were naps in the afternoon.  Couldn't help it !! 😏

I did go out to pull a few weeds but I ended up taking the advice of one of my blogger friends at "Rook's Nest" and ended up having a "cuppa" and looking at the view.

You know what???

The weeds are still there today and they are still waiting for me..

To Be Continued...

I do really need to get rid of the grasses before they go to seed though.
If only the real lawn was as nice as the grass that's growing where it shouldn't be growing!

And so, thus are the days of a homeowner..

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Shug said...

Oh yes...the life of a homeowner is exactly right. There are some new garden homes that have just been built a few blocks over from us..Gated area! I told Sam it would be so nice to have one and let others take care of my flower beds and weeds. Those weeds will be there tomorrow and the next day as well.. Maybe they will be easier to pull the taller they Looks like you all have some beautiful sunshine...yay!! we do too! loving it. Happy Monday...

Great-Granny Grandma said...

They do make for pretty pictures though.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

A couple of years ago, we removed many areas of weeds, so the only weeds we currently have are the Vinca weeds and some grasses on the hill. We installed weed cloth, added rocks, and created garden beds. While we still have some weeds, they are not out of control. We made these changes to reduce the amount of work we would have to do as we get older. We are still in the process of de-weeding our yards. It's never ending

Chatty Crone said...

Weeding was, is, and always be a job that never gets totally done. But good for you sitting down to have a cup of coffee. It was hard to get up for me today!

Mari said...

I'm not a fan of time changes. I wish they would just leave it be!
Yes, the weeds just keep growing back. Good idea to just sit and have some coffee, enjoy the sunshine!

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, I know your back yard (acre) You really are green acres. Rain brings weeds, and I wish you had someone to do it for you. Pace yourself with lots of coffee and lemonade breaks.

Ann said...

When you own a home there's always something that needs done. Unfortunately I've been ignoring a lot of those things for too long.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness. We have a few stepping stones, and things are always growing between them! Do you use a weed wacker? Nice that you spent the sabbath mostly resting!

Mevely317 said...

Determined little suckers aren't they?! Some are so pretty, I'm curious why they got such a bad rap. Like dandelions; I'm often inclined to leave them be.

Michelle said...

I did a bit of weeding today myself! It's that time of year, but I am glad to see things growing.