Thursday, March 13, 2025


 There is always so much to be thankful for.

This week has put a "Yes and Amen" to that.

Now that I am no longer doing my caregiving for Lynne, I get a bit nervous since I no longer get a stipend for the job.  That little bit of money each time really has blessed us and helped us with our bills.  

All that to say that we were able to sell several things on eBay.  This really helped and its a good on going lesson in trust.  We are learning to live differently.

Here's the things we just sold.

Several commemorative Disneyland pens from the 1990's.

2 large Star Wars action figures from the 1990's also.

These went on their way to Denmark yesterday ... Yay!  They are finally out of our closet!

Yesterday was a wild day weather wise.  We had tremendous winds and heavy downpours.  We are thankful there was no damage and our utility pumps worked wonderfully.

You can see the very top of the pump in the water.  It's the yellow top on the right.

Then last night after dinner was finished and we were hunkered down for an evening in front of the TV ... 

The power went out.  It doesn't happen very often since all of our lines are underground.  Thankfully we had plenty of candles and fresh batteries in our flashlights.

The best part of the evening was our next door neighbor  texting us after about an hour of darkness to see if we were okay.  If we needed anything.. we are so blessed to have caring people around us.

The power was out for about 2 hours.  We were so thankful when it came back on. 

This morning I thought the house was colder than it was suppose to be.  Checked the thermostat and it was showing 62F.  Some how when the power came on it did what the clocks do .  It changed the automatic temp. set.  Thankfully all I had to do was push the up temp button and "walla"... now we are roasty toasty  again. With the temps only being in the 40'sF. today, I am so thankful for a warm house.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Wanda said...

What a night!! We had the hard rain, but a town near us had a tornado. Pico Rivera. We go by this town on our way to the doctor. It uprooted trees, and took roofs of homes. This is crazy weather times. So excited that the Lord provided some income with your loss of it from caregiving. We have a good God and I'm so glad you hung on to some of those treasures people are willing to pay for. God bless you today...I'm thankful for you and Dave.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, what adventures have been going on! Do you know why the power went out, since all the lines are underground? I wish ours were!

Mevely317 said...

So grateful for your caring neighbors ... and extra "mad money", too! I keep promising myself to get back up on the eBay wagon, then fall back to my old ways.

We're supposed to get some whacky weather here in Alabama before long. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling pretty unsettled, but there's nothing to do but prepare. And pray.

Sandi said...

Items from the 90's! I guess that makes them antiques but it seems like yesterday to me.

Ann said...

When you're used to a certain amount of money it's an adjustment when you suddenly don't have that. Glad you were able to sell things on Ebay. I can't imagine what the postage was like to send something to Denmark.
Glad to hear your power wasn't out for very long.That was nice of your neighbor to check on you.

Chatty Crone said...

My son and grandson have all those figures, but they are not brand new. And all the ships.
I am glad your heat went back on and friends who care about you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is not one item in our house that anyone would buy, the price I pay for keeping nothing. anything from my child hood would now be 70 and 80 years old.. glad you are getting sales, and glad that pump was working well. I have PTSD when I hear the words power out, we were out for 3 days from Helene and 7 from Milton and I do get panicked now if the lights even flicker.. being without the TV for bob was the biggest horror of all. glad you are safe

Anonymous said...

I was keeping up with your weather because your FB post showed a good bit of rain and wind. our electricity went out too. wasn’t out very long. you had some good items to sell and I’m thankful you were able to sell them quickly. seems like our utilities have doubled in cost this month…I may need to find a few things to sell. our electric bill was more than it has ever been.

Anonymous said...

I guess I didn’t type in my name.. shug here on the anonymous comment . sorry

Mari said...

So many things to be thankful for. It's good that you are paying attention and not just taking these things for granted. I'm glad your power wasn't out for too long!

The Happy Whisk said...

I can understand learning to live differently. That makes sense. So nice that they checked to make sure you were okay. I do that with the two ladies near me. Our power goes out often though. Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Marie Smith said...

Power out this time of year is not easy. We were so thankful when ours came back on after two plus hours.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Is it complicated selling to overseas customers on eBay? I imagine it must be very pricey and involve customs?
I too am very grateful to have heat and a roof over my head. Definitely not anything I take for granted.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow, you really did have quite the storm! So thankful no more damage was done than that, and that the power wasn't off for very long. Sounds like you had a nice cozy evening by candlelight. Glad the heater wasn't damaged and that it was a quick fix by pushing a button! God is so good. I hope today was a better day.

Sparky said...

That was some wild weather. Glad y'all are OK and that the power came back on 'quickly.' Good deal on the selling those items. I wouldn't have a clue on how to do something like that. Well done.
Blessings. 🍀

Life Images by Jill, Western Australia said...

I too need to have a cleanout of treasurers I don't need any more. I am sure my children will thank me in the end. I am glad the power was only out for a few hours. Take care, enjoy the rest of your week. I am joining you at Thankful Thursday.

Babajeza said...

Caring neighbors are essential. A blessing! I am thankful for my neighbors too. I'm glad to hear that the power was only four two hours out and the heating problem was an easy fix. All the best. Regula

Shammickite said...

I saw that Darth Vader (3rd photo) on Antique Road Show last week, just the figure, no box. Cant remember the value estimate. Well over $1000 I think, hope you got that!

Shammickite said...

Well, things are only worth as much money as someone is willing to part with. And i think those Antique Road Show estimates are usually very inflated, just to see the smile on the face of the customer!

diane b said...

Love the photo of the candle. Your story sounds like us when the cyclone came.We were without power most of the day. Some poor souls still do not have the power back. I hope you can manage okay without your pay. Its hard now with the cost of living going up and up. I''m grateful for getting through the Cyclone unscathed and I'm grateful for your friendship.

Michelle said...

Good neighbors are a treasure. I am glad to hear you have some! Thank you for linking up and have a great week ahead.