Saturday, March 15, 2025


 I haven't got a whole lot to say today.

Its still raining off and on down here in the Low Lands... great snow in the mountains.

I have odds and ends that need to be finished and of course spending some time with all of you dear friends in Blogland.

Here's my Self Portrait for today...


That's my advice for today...

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Anonymous said...

Awesome πŸ‘Œ jel

Shug said...

Such a lovely picture of you my dear friend. Made me smile. and...I do need to fluff my tutu and enjoy this windy day....Our skies look dirty from the West Texas dust storm. We need some of your rain to settle the dust. We are having a do nothing kind of day, which is nice ever once in a while... I know the snow in the mountains is beautiful...Take care....

Sandi said...

I think I like you better with blonde hair.


photowannabe said...

Sandi...HaHa.. thanks me too...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

How adorable you are! 😊
It’s a good day to enjoy the warmth of home!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This monkey is sure having a bad hair day! But it is time I need to fluff my tutu.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

please have Steve take us a photo of you doing the ajusting of the tiara and especially the dancing off he he he

photowannabe said...

HaHaHa... too funny ...I will have to think about that one...

Mari said...

It's very windy here and our power just came on after being out for several hours. Hope it stays on now!
I like that photo of you - you are so cute!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Our rain finally stopped late last night. Our mountains look beautiful full of snow. LOL at your portrait. I like your advice too!

Chatty Crone said...

You look ADORABLE girlfriend. Did you fluff up your tutu?

Mevely317 said...

Why, you dazzle! Okay, I'm fluffing (mentally) and giggling aloud.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my, you are so charming!! And I love the tiara and tutu idea! Sometimes we just gotta dance! So cute. Have a lovely Sunday tomorrow.

Wanda said...

A bad hair day??? HaHa. I had to chuckle at that one. Yes, we all need to fluff the tutu and dance!! Our mountains are beautiful with snow too. Sunshine most of today!! Sending love!

Ann said...

LOL, I love your self portrait. I probably look a little bit like that now. We had wind and rain yesterday. At one point it sounded like it was ripping the siding off the house.

Marie Smith said...

That monkey is adorable. Those eyes…

Sparky said...

Raining here too. So far, so good on the storm system. I pray it stays sedate for all of us. Cute pics. Blessings. πŸ€

Martha said...

Love the self portrait! LOL!
Lots of wind here today!

Donna said...

I'm loving you new photo! But it looks like you're having a bad hair day...lolol
Too cute!

Annie Jeffries said...

You look like a very fun-loving person. We need to have a play date. πŸ˜€