Monday, March 24, 2025


 I didn't get as much done with the weeds this weekend as I had hoped.

My old back just can't take too much any more.


Today is a New Day and the weather is Delicious this morning.  I am planning on attacking some more of those Green Things in a little while.  

Have to have my cup of coffee first!

I decided to tackle the side by our grapevines.

I did make some progress

I'm going to get more of that tough tall grass out today...

Of course there are pretty little flowers aka weeds doing their thing too.

We have 2 bushes of blossoming flowers right now.
This bush usually has yellow tiny flowers on it.  This time it's white.
Go figure???

Here's the other bush blooming its head off and lots of buds getting ready to pop too.

My volunteer wisteria is ready to bloom too.  
If you enlarge the photo you can see some of the flowers just getting ready to show their colors.

At least there is progress.  

The Yard is our never ending GobStopper!

To be continued...

Now to get to my coffee...


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh how I feel your pain. We did fill in my weed prone areas with rocks and planter boxes with heavy duty weed cloth but it’s our hill with the vinca my dad lovingly planted decades ago.

Yeah everything needs a refresh. We’ll get to it when we get to it!

photowannabe said...

Yes, we will get to it when we get to it. I wish we could afford rocks to spread over that area. We do have ground weed cloth and need to get the ugly weeds gone so we can spread it. Our younger son will be visiting for a few days but its not until June. He's such a help but we have to get a lot of it done sooner than that.
Dave just went out to mow the lawn aka weed patch and I will get out there very soon myself.
Have a great rest of your day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, that is a lot of weeds, and you did really well! Do you know what these beautiful white and yellow flowers are?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of work, I worked ONE hour today and that was about 4 hours ago and when I woke up from my nap, I can hardly open and close my hands or stand straight up... our yard is getting worse, not one drop of measurable rain in 6 months now.. we think the avocado tree is dying and that scares me, because the estimate after Milton was 2400. our yard so so hot the house is like a sauna without the big pine tree...

Mari said...

You did good! Yard work is not easy.
Here in Michigan everything is white as it's been snowing all day. I can't wait to see flowers!

Marie Smith said...

Love the blooms. The weeds are a given here.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Sue, I have to say I do not like yardwork. I think you did a good bit of removing that grass though. Love the flowers. Would love if it was all wild flowers.

Mevely317 said...

Gobstopper! I've got to borrow that!
I'd great intentions to face our own delinquents this morning, then woke up to lots of rain.... yeay.
We're all in this together, girlfriend.

Ann said...

My back has been objecting to me doing work lately. I'm afraid of what it's going to be like when I get back to work. Good job on getting things done in the garden. I'm not very motivated when it comes to yardwork.

Shug said...

Girl...go get that coffee!! I know what you mean...Yard work is not for the faint at heart. body gets pretty angry at me when I try to do things that causes me to use muscles that haven't been used in a while. All your flowers sure have some lovely blooms. This year, I ended up paying Hector to clean my flower beds and pull out all the dead flowers and grasses...ended up costing me $150.00 but I decided that we could cut back on something else because it was way too much for us to do. Plus he hauled off all the weeds and dead limbs. I'll be saving for him to do this again next year. LOL... enjoy your sunny days but don't overdo.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

The flowers look so pretty, even if they are weeds.

Michelle said...

I worked on some weeds this weekend, with plenty more to go, and just sat down in the midst of them and started pulling. Bending over anymore is not for me!

Wanda said...

Goodness, I a day behind. I think when I answer your comment on my blog I've been to brain is not what it used to be. I've been to your back yard and know how big it is the work it takes to maintain it. Don't overdo it my dear friend.

Donna said...

I think just getting outside helps! It's been warm here.