Monday, January 27, 2025


 Good morning...

Dave and I are still under the weather but I thought I would share something that came up on my FaceBook memories this weekend.

I have posted this before but since I have many new blog friends I thought I would do it again.

This is a photo of my Daughter in Law's father, Thoralf.  I captured this picture of him in our backyard quite a few years ago.

The memory that came up on FB was about the passing of him 10 years ago.

Thoralf and his son Bernard were taking a walk in a large East Bay park  of California.

Bernie and his dad were walking very slowly since Thoralf was 93 yrs old.                       After a while Bernie kept saying Dad, you're shuffling.  Pick up your feet.               Thoralf said I AM picking up my feet and walking just fine (true strong Norwegian attitude)

All of a sudden in the middle of a step Thoralf slumped to the ground and was gone.  When all the officials came to take our dear friend away, Bernard asked one of the men there.." What is that line with numbers on the ground where Thoralf had fallen."

The man said that was the ending line for a race that had happened a few days earlier.  So...

Thoralf had run Life's Good Race and had literally stepped across the finish line.    One step on earth and the next step in Heaven.!

This gives me chills every time I think about it.  

Thoralf was a wonderful man.  He loved God, his family and friends.  He never met a stranger. Thoralf was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.  And he was our friend.  I still miss him even after 10 years.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an amazing story! I hope it comforted the family. Gosh, I am sorry you are both still not feeling well!

Mari said...

What a wonderful story! I'm so glad you shared it, brings tears to my eyes.
Praying you and Dave are soon feeling better. It's been a tough winter for you!

Michelle said...

Wow, a powerful post and what a message.

Ann said...

What an amazing story. That brought tears to my eyes.

Shug said...

I appreciate you sharing this story. He had finished his race! We just never know. Hoping you all begin to feel much better. My granddaughter has not felt well for a couple of weeks. Yesterday, her mom took her to get an IV of high powered vitamins to help enhance her immune system..I had never heard of this...but she feels much better today. Take plenty of Vit C.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a beautiful story! Gives me chills as well. Thank you so much for sharing that!

Mevely317 said...

Goosebumps... and wet eyes, too. 💛

Sparky said...

That truly brought tears to my eyes. Today it was 2 years ago when we lost a dear friend. Our loss was Heaven's gain though. I miss him often. Anyway, thank you for sharing. 🩵

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that gives me the chills too.
What a wonderful memory.
Hope you and Dave feel better soon.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my, Sue, that certainly does give me goosebumps! But so beautiful! What a wonderful way to enter heaven! Amazing story. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am sorry to hear you are both still under the weather. Praying you both feel better really soon!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Sue, that really, really was such a beautiful story. Imagine that - he was walking and healthy one minute and the next he walked into Heaven. That is how I want to go.

Shammickite said...

That was a very nice tribute to a dear friend. Gosh, 93, it's a good age isn't it? I hope he had a good life. He is missed by you and all his extended family.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have know you for more than 10 years and do not remember this. So glad you posted it, this is absolutely amazing and I think all of us would hope to go home to heaven like this. My dad prayed to die like this, but did not.. I do remember your husband looks like his dad and your son looks like his dad.. the genes are passed throught the males and all look so much alike

Marie Smith said...

What a wonderful passing. One couldn’t write it more beautifully. The finish line indeed…

Sandi said...

God rest his soul.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Wow, Sue, that was quite an amazing story and what a perfect way to finish one's life. I hope that you and Dave will be feeling better soon.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing this. That is just a wonderful way to step into Glory.

Donna said...

Oh...the story gave me chills!!