Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Thank you dear friends for all of your well wishes.  Hopefully this horrible "crud" is on its way out.  

Dave got prescription meds yesterday from a phone appointment with a doctor.  He just started them yesterday afternoon.  We will see if they do some good.

Of course, not to be outdone, I have now developed the cough (not anywhere as bad as Dave's) and am constantly blowing my nose.  Will THIS never end?

I was reading Pamela Steiner's blog this morning.  She was doing a fun photo scavenger hunt.  I decided to give it a try too.  That's about all the energy I have..piddling on the computer!

This is the January #54 link up for

Photos ... Blanket,  Moon,  Square,  Logo,   At Home,   On My Plate 

Since we have been pretty much stuck at home the following are from my archives.

What I like about this kind of blog post is it makes one look at everyday things and the world around in a whole new way.  Nothing has to be perfect or professional.  Its how one sees their world.


This is a cherished and well worn blanket that my Mother in Law made.  She Always had knitting needles in her hands and did the most elegant work.  It's been Dave's go to blanket while sleeping in the recliner.


I know I just posted this one but is such a beautiful example of the Wolf Moon

This was seen from our front yard.


Dave and I being framed Squarely for the camera.

What a fun trip to Las Vegas last year.


I took some liberties with this suggestion.                                                                     The cup was given to me by my Granddaughter.  She calls me Grams.  That's the best logo I can think of, being her Grandma.

At Home: 

Our comfy family room.  This is where we do most of our living.  We love our Forever Home.

On My Plate:

I'm going to end this post with a silly plate.

Do any of you remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?  It was a funny cartoon on TV way back in the Dark Ages.  They were sponsored by General Mills and Cherrios.

Thanks for taking a look.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Shug said...

Love this fun post and all of the photos that you shared. I will have to drop by and visit so I maybe can join in on the fun. It's always nice to meet new bloggers anyways. Love your family cozy! It's those things like the knitted blanket that always make me happy. I'm so sentimental though, that I have to limit the things that I do keep. It is truly beautiful. Hope you all will be very cautious with the coughs. We have so many people in our area who have had to go into the hospital due to the cough and pneumonia. Glad he got meds, but sure hope you stay on top of yours as well. Will be checking on you.

Sparky said...

Fun post. I like your photo choices.
Hope y'all are 100% well soon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rocky & Bullwinkle...were they the ones who had Boris & Natasha? I loved them better than the lead characters! The throw blanket is so intricate and unusual. Oh gosh, when will you ever get better?

Chatty Crone said...

I am sure you have checked yourself for Covid. Glad Dave got some medicine - now you have it.
I LOVED Rocky and Bullwinkle -
Hope you get well soon!

Mari said...

This was fun! I enjoyed seeing all the things you shared. Yes, I remember Rocky and Bullwinkle!
Praying that med helps Dave and that you get over that cough!

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, this is a fun scavenger hunt. I want to play, too!
Yes, I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle ... more so your red brick fireplace. (None of this modern white-face that's popular nowadays.) I'd love to pull up a seat and just stare at the flames.

Michelle said...

A fun scavenger hunt and I like your photos. Be well soon!

Ann said...

A photo scavenger hunt sounds fun. You did well in finding photos to match. That spot by the fireplace looks nice and cozy. I do remember Rocky and Bullwinkle. I watched them all the time.

Sandi said...

Thank you. May your cup overflow too!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that blanket. So sorry to read about the crud. Last year I had lung issues and it lasted forever. I added good salmon back into my diet as well as tuna and that helped. A great deal the salmon helped. Some sardines as well. Not sure if that will work, just tossing it out there. Because the then doctor gave me an inhaler that I was allergic to, which made me do a deeper dive and that's when I gave salmon a go. So glad I did. Delish.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well I hope you both feel better soon. I know my Mark has had a non-stop runny nose for weeks now. That link you did was cute. I loved the photos you used. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Wanda said...

Hi sweet Sue. I'm so glad that one of my blog friends, Shug found you! She is a delightful blogger, and I know you will enjoy reading her blog too. It was fun to scroll up and down and enjoy all the pictures, but the best, knowing I've enjoyed your family room in person. How we loved our visits with you and Dave. How I wish we could do it again.

Babajeza said...

Be well soon! All the best, Regula

Saleslady371 said...

My sympathies regarding winter germs, Sue. That's me, too, this week with a head cold. That blanket is filled with so much family love and warmth. But I love the framed pic the best. So cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I thought you would both be better by now. this is a long lasting flu, my brother and his wife still have theirs, about the same time you have. Prayers you both get this behind you SOON. the blanket is very similar to one mother made. it was heavy and warm. I like the framed tree limb.
your home is lovely. yes, I remember Rocky and BW. you had the perfect photo for each prompt.
I might play some time, right now can't spare the time to look. I am two days behind in reading blogs

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Fun post.
The blanket is so pretty, and I do remember Rocky and Bullwinkle.
You did a good job finding pictures for the scavenger hunt.
Hope you guys feel better soon.