Monday, January 20, 2025


 This post is about MY Memories from 64 years ago !

I had the privilege of playing in my award winning high school band.

In 1961 we were chosen through many competitions to march in President Kennedy's Inaugural Parade.

The day before the inauguration there was a monumental blizzard and the temperatures were much like what happened today for the celebration.

When we marched down Pennsylvania Avenue the temps. rose to 32F.  That's very hard on instruments.  Some of our drum skins cracked because they were frozen and our reeds on the wind instruments  wanted to freeze too.

There were many delays and so when it was our time to step off and march it was later in the afternoon.  They made us practically run instead of march because everything was running late.  But we did it with our lungs bursting.  

I have always kicked myself for being so proper and in such strict marching mode that I did not turn my head to see Pres. Kennedy as we passed his observation area.  Others did.  He actually stayed for the entire parade which was a very long time.

The first photo is our official photo in front of the capitol.  I am in the 3rd row up  Standing on the right last person.  All that can be seen of me is my hat plume.  Too short..

This photo is taken from the tv screen so its not too clear.

This is us running, and marching around the corner , with our lungs burning but so excited to be there.

We actually are in really good straight lines considering what we were asked to do.

Lots of practice makes perfect.

This is my memory post and I will not be commenting on anything that is happening today as far as our current inauguration is concerned.  This is not a political post for or against....

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a special time for you as you were a part of ushering in those years of Camelot.

For myself, I am absolutely THRILLED with the inauguration. But just like 4 years ago, I can understand that half the country want nothing to do with it. I was like that. So for me, today was long overdue. What an awesome day!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful memory! Thank you for sharing it with us! I can only imagine how cold you must've been!! Wow! That took a lot of commitment to hang in there! Today is a very special day in the history of our country, regardless of political affiliation. I just told my hubby we may not be able to witness too many more of these, so I'm glad we made the effort to watch. I especially loved all the prayers before and after the ceremony, and Carrie Underwood was amazing in spite of all the technical difficulties! Grace under fire in many situations today. God is good. We are thankful people.

Sandi said...

I wish you had turned to look at him! 😄💔

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! What an amazing memory!! And so good that you have the photos of it! Too bad you did not catch a glimpse of him, but you acted perfectly!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is certainly a special memory.

sandy said...

wow that is an amazing memory and so good for you that you still have the photos. Wow so fun to read this.

Shug said...

I love that you shared this today. What a wonderful privilege for your band group to be selected to represent in the parade. I know this is a memory you will forever have. Love also that you had the photos. I've been watching the inauguration all day. Loved hearing Carrie Underwood sing and I thought she handled the situation so well in having to sing acappella. Beautiful ceremonies

Mari said...

We are watching the bands right now and I said to my husband what an honor it would be to play in it. It's so cool you got to do that!

Michelle said...

Wow! Wonderful to read that you were a part of history.

Mevely317 said...

What a thrill, Sue! We were just watching the indoor parade taking place from Washington -- thinking how talented each of these young people. Too, how very proud their mothers and fathers must be.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been watching all day too. I can't believe you were in the parade for Kennedy. That is so cool. You must have been so excited.

Ann said...

What a wonderful experience that must have been. It sure makes for a great memory too. I can only imagine how exciting that must have been.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, what a memory. since I have never watched an inauguration, I did not know they had marching bands. we did not have a TV until I was 16, and then it was rarey on. I am not a news cast watcher or parade watcher. except of course when Savannah has all of the military in st Pat parade, I did go to that one with friends and drool over all the soldiers. ha ha..

Marie Smith said...

What a great memory! I loved seeing the photos too. Have a great week, you two.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How wonderful that was! What an amazing thing you were part of. I'm so happy you had that experience. I love the pictures. Sorry you didn't turn your head.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for sharing this special memory, Sue, and what a treat for you and your fellow band members! I also appreciated that you pointed out that your post was not meant to reflect on what was happening the same date now. It seems too many people are willing to turn a post into something entirely different. I made a similar note on my post done the same day.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a special memory.
Thanks for sharing.