Monday, December 02, 2024


 I have to say that this last week hasn't been one I would have chosen.

Dave has been in so much pain, but it lessened Saturday but by early Sunday morning we were off to the Emergency Dept. again.

All of this misery stems from what the dr. and surgeon feels was a very fluke occurrence.  Dave had gall bladder surgery about 3 years ago.  His gall bladder was pretty much gangrene.  They think a very tiny chip of the dead infected stone fell into a pocket where it could not be seen.  Over the last 3 years  the infection grew without knowing it was there and he would occasionally feel poorly and we could not understand why.  The infection finally reared its ugly head and poor Dave was in so much pain.  Fortunately hubby finally agreed to see the DR. and I'm so glad he did, even if it wasn't the very best Thanksgiving ever.  The surgeon found fluid in a pocket beside the liver.  They proceeded to insert a tube for drainage and filled him full of antibiotics etc.

We ended up in ER yesterday morning for another CT scan.  They said everything was progressing ok and he had IV's and multiple pain meds.  Thanking the Lord he did NOT get loopy from them as he had done years before.

So we are draining the tube, swallowing a ton of meds and just praying to get better and sleep through the night.  

Mama's tired too.

Phone consultation on Wed.  and in office visit with the surgeon on the 11th.

Praying that everything will be going according to plan and that no further surgery is needed.  This 83 (next month) year old guy is getting worn down by all of this.

I know this is TMI but some of you have asked questions and its easier to just do a post for all to read.

Thanks for all of your care and prayers.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, how awful!! Thank you so much for the update. I will be praying for both of you!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I'm glad they identified the issue. That poor guy has been through a lot! Diverticulitis can be tough, but I'm sending prayers for healing, comfort, and a joyful return to life together again!

Shammickite said...

Thank goodness for ER when you need it! I'm sending some healing hugs to Dave.... and some to you too Sue.

Michelle said...

Sending all my love and prayers to Dave AND to you. It is hard to be the caregiver.

Marie Smith said...

So glad to hear the doctors got to the bottom of the problem. I pray for a quick recovery!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a strange thing to happen, but so thankful it happened when you were in a place where you could get the help and diagnosis needed to treat the issue immediately. Praying he will soon be feeling much better! (((hugs))) for YOU too.

Mevely317 said...

That's a great picture, Sue! I'm so glad you paused to give us this update. No doubt the two of you are both exhausted -- physically and mentally. Now please, give yourselves the greatest gift of Rest. (And perhaps a bowl of ice cream.) Hugs!

Mari said...

I'm thankful the cause has been found and treatment is in progress. Praying for him, and you too!

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad you posted this - yes we all want to know what is going on.
I will continue to pray too!

Martha said...

Sending prayers.
I hope Dave is feeling better soon and that you get some good rest.
Lots of love to you!

sandy said...

Wow, what an ordeal and to find out that this was causing his pain. Thank God they have taken care of it. I sure hope things are quieting down and you BOTH get rest and enjoy this month ahead with family. All the best to you and Dave.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

He is so photogenic! love this picture and just thought it is rare to see a bad photo of him. This is really scary, all new to me, never heard of it.. I am so glad they found what caused it and will pray that the drain removes it all and the antibiotic do there job and he will start feeling better each day.
As we age and especially 80 and above our bodies find it harder to fight these things. for the first time ever in all of the many many surgeries bob as had, his incision is infected. he goes to the derm doc tomorrow for stitches out and we will find out details then

Ann said...

That sounds just awful. That's certainly enough to wear anyone down no matter what their age. Praying that he continues to get better.

Sparky said...

No, your sharing is not a TMI. I didn't know something like this could happen. It's good to know "just in case" someone else suffers from odd symptoms too. And I'm so thankful this was caught in time and do keep sharing so we can add all our prayers to y'alls. Sending them now ... remember you all are VERY loved.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my goodness, what an ordeal--and with such a freak cause. I'm so glad they were able to find the source (as I'm sure you are as well). Praying for a speedy recovery.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, from three years ago! That's so sad. I'm so glad he went back to the hospital and that they figured this out. I am praying for him. ((HUGS))

Rose said...

What a time you are having. I am praying for you two and also still praying for your granddaughter.