Thursday, October 24, 2024


 Today is Thankful Thursday.  I am also including some thoughts about seeing art in everyday things.

I have probably posted some of these photos before but I enjoy them and so they will be out there for your enjoyment too.

I am most thankful for this Man of Mine.  I love his humor and creative juices that are always flowing.

I am thankful that Dave and I are growing OLD together and have the privilege  of being the Grandparents to wonderful kids.

I love our family and wish we could all be together at the same time.
Our two sons and several of the grandkids.

Christmas last year with another granddaughter Lauren and her husband.
Fun times seem to center around food most of the time.

Thankful for the creation and its many moods.

I love seeing "art" in different circumstances. This is a favorite of mine.

Thankful for the detail in flowers and the honey bee.

To me this is Art at its finest.  Amazing skies always make me stop and say Thank you Lord.

Be sure to enlarge all of my photos to enjoy the detail.

Always Be Thankful.

Always Be Kind.


Shug said...

I love these wonderful things to be grateful for. You have a beautiful family gathered there in the kitchen.....and I also really like that kitchen!! We all have so very much to be thankful for...Blessings flow daily.

Mari said...

So much to be thankful for! I love seeing your husband and family.
Your photos are always beautiful!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So much to be thankful for. Lovely post with wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.

MadSnapper said...

awesome art in those clouds. wow! I love love love the coats and boots. growing up all I wanted were boots and buckskins and all that fridge hanging from them. I also wanted to be a cowBOY not a cowGIRL... with these boots I would not mind the girl part, to late, I am not a girl now... love the family pics and all gathers have food. what Milton did for me, took me down to my TOPS goal where I was when I quit going in 2020. never went back and had inched up 7 pounds. when I saw the derm doc this week, she said do NOT lose another pound, I mean it and when I left she followed saying to Bob, don't let her lose another pound. I know OLD people need some fat to play with when we fall down and can't get up. ha ha

Sandi said...

What a treasure to grow old together. Also, a llama. 😄 Ok, we went to our State Fair today and my husband thought there would be llamas there. Nope. No llamas! But here is one! ❤️ Thanks.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh this post makes me happy. I wish our family could get together all the time too. I love your kitchen. Love the clouds - love the flower. I love the meme of growing old together - I have been blessed too.

Mevely317 said...

What an artist's eye you have, dear lady. From those fringed boots to the amazing skyscape, I'm loving these pictures. Hands down, my favorite is Dave chatting up the llama(sp?)!

Mevely317 said...

What an artist's eye you have, dear lady. From those fringed boots to the amazing skyscape, I'm loving these pictures. Hands down, my favorite is Dave chatting up the llama(sp?)!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The sky photo, so many different kinds of clouds! And I love the one of Dave and the Alpaca!