Sunday, October 27, 2024


 Saturday turned out to be a great day of celebration with our oldest granddaughter Lauren,

She turned 30 and wanted to be with her family to celebrate.  They (she and her husband Mark and dog Luna) Drove 10 hours from Las Vegas, to spend the day together with us.  You have to grab those special times when you can.

Luna did great for her first time on such a long trip.

Lauren loves her puppy.

After dinner The Pumpkin Showdown began.
Lauren and hubby Mark against Amanda and her husband Billy.

Making the Plan

Singing while you work

Let the competition start...

Love the concentration!

It was a hard fought contest but in the end Amanda and Billy won.
It got too dark out in the yard, so I didn't get a photo of Lauren and Mark's contribution.

And the Winner !

The sunset last night was unbelievable.  

It really didn't look real.  

These photos are straight out of my cell phone.  No touch-up or boost of color.

I really couldn't believe my eyes.
The red was so brilliant and almost neon.

And the day came to an end.

Our son's backyard is the perfect place to see the sunset.

Today they had to do the 10 hour drive back to reality...
Work and Duty calls.
I do hope we can see them for Christmas.
There is nothing like family.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The sunset is like fire! I have never seen one with such an intense color! They did a remarkable job with the house carving!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow and wow again on the brilliant sunset and the pumpkin contest looks fierce, ha ha.. wish I could concentrate like that. I seem to have lost that power these days... she is a birthday queen for sure and you know I love Luna. my son named one of the kittens Luna

Ann said...

How wonderful that they came to spend her birthday with you. Those are some serious pumpkin carvers. I bet they had fun. The winner is pretty impressive.
That sunset is remarkable and beautiful.

Marie Smith said...

What a lovely celebration! Family is the best!

Mari said...

Happy Birthday to Lauren! What a joy for all of you to be together.
I love that pumpkin!

Donna said...

Had to laugh as she was putting on her gloves, with a snap! lol
Beautiful pumpkin!!

Chatty Crone said...

THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A FAMILY! HERE HERE! My gosh how much fun was that? Loved it. Love the photos of the sunset - especially with the two palms leaning towards each other.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Now that is some serious pumpkin carvings. Love that German shepherd! Luna is a good name. Looks like a nice time for all. God bless.

Rose said...

That had to be a fun day.. and then the sunset was the icing on the cake!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How wonderful that they came to celebrate her birthday with you. Wow, those are big pumpkins! Love the pumpkin and OMG on the evening sky photos.

Mevely317 said...

How wonderful the kids were willing to drive 10 hours one way! Luna looks absolutely exquisite ... and in love with her 'momma.' I'm smiling at the kids' rapt attention to detail; so glad you were able to capture these moments!

PS - Love Mark's hat!

Shug said...

Glad you all got to enjoy this wonderful celebration! Happy Late Birthday wishes to Lauren. Both of these couples are so cute and these pictures show that they were having a great time with the challenge going on. Great job on the pumpkin carving. What a gorgeous sunset...I know this all made your weekend very special.

Michelle said...

I love this! Family is everything. So glad you had time together and the pumpkin carving is so fun.

Linda said...

What a blessing their visit was! I love that Lauren wanted to spend her special day with with y'all! That pumpkin is a work of art!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What wonderful family fun time~ And amazing you got a Halloween sunset -- beautiful orangey gold , I love it!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great pumpkin carving competition and the finished result was so creative, loved it🎃. You were right in that sunset view was magnificent, Sue. Happy 🎂to your granddaughter and nice that she wanted to celebrate with family.