Wednesday, October 02, 2024



Its been such a long time since I did that.  I feel like a different person today.

Maybe not quite like these Crazy Gourds 

But I do feel better.. (haha)

We accomplished some heavy duty financial business yesterday and its all in the mail.

The feeling is so good to be done with that part of things.  We are still getting our life back on track after being fraud victims.

Dave and I went on a "Double Date" with our son Steve and Sigrid a few nights ago.

Dinner and fun conversation is a real battery charger.

We were not in San Francisco for our dinner but I just love this photo of the 4 of us.

Its going to be 101F today ...  AGAIN ... 

Cooler days Really are going to come AGAIN .

Happy sliding towards the weekend.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Chatty Crone said...

101 degrees - do you live in the desert? lol You slept well probably because your finances are done and complete. I hope so anyway. Love those crazy gourds and the picture of the four of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

photowannabe said...

Haha...not the desert but it sure feels like it . We are just 2 hours away from the Sierra Nevada Mountains., and 2 hours away from the Pacific Ocean. Either direction brings different weather.
Oct. is a fickle time of year. Some hot and some cooler then we launch into semi cold, really never snows we are too low.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hurray for sleeping! I love those gourds. Yes, you have been through a lot. Yes, dinner out is always the best. Brings joy! Yes, the photo is perfect. Take care.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Great news! Sleep is a huge thing, and not enough of it can affect our bodies in so many ways. This photo of the four of you is beautiful!!!

Debby said...

I’m glad you got some much needed sleep. I can’t imagine not getting a good nights sleep. I’m fortunate to have always slept like a baby. Nice family photo. Stay cool 😎

Mevely317 said...

Uh oh 😯, Blogger ate my comment!

sandy said...

those gourdes are so cute. Glad you go good sleep. I know how that feels when it is really needed.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love the gourds! They are adorable! And I love that you had a full night's sleep last night. I didn't, and I've had two naps today still trying to get caught up! We had to get up early this morning for my hubby's appointment, and I was afraid I'd oversleep, so I kept waking up and looking at the clock all night. LOL. I even set the alarm, but that didn't help much. Thankfully we made it on time (early) and everything went well . God is good! Glad you are getting your financial mess straightened out. How awful that must've been. Glad you had a double date with your kids. I love spending time with our adult kids too. They are like our best friends. Have a good night tonight. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! LOL.

Linda said...

Finances and money matters can rob us of our sleep. Glad you got a good night and a load was lifted. I can't even imagine how complicated fraud can be.
I find the older I get the more sleep I need. Sometimes 12 hours! Although I can only sleep 4 hours at a time before having to get up. Still, what a blessing this is!
Love and prayers for you and Dave every single morning!

Marie Smith said...

Great photo! Glad to hear about a good night’s sleep. Wish I could accomplish the same!

Rose said...

That is hot temps...I think we barely made 70 today...but think we get back to the 80's in the next day or two.

Since complaining on my blog about the lack of sleep, I have had three nights, and where I got 5 or 6 hours of straight sleep. I would not mind it being a bit more, but that was sure good not to have to get up in the very middle of my sleep to go to the potty. And most nights been going to sleep without too much tossing and turning.