Thursday, August 01, 2024


 Dave and I have been so busy preparing and researching on eBay and just getting our lives in working order again, that we haven't done a photo shoot in ages.

So you know what's coming... back to the Archives I go to find some inspiration.

Feeling a bit "Old" today and trying to do what the quote above says.

Sometimes life seems a bit like this uneven fence.  Up and Down ... 

And sometimes Life seems to be stuck in a rut.

Now this isn't a "Debbie Downer" post , its just wishing we could escape for a while... but its all good and we are here and above there!! 😊💗

Thankful Thursday 


Sparky said...

Yep, it's all good no matter silly things happen here because we have the best good ever looking forward to spending an eternity with Jesus! Amen!? Wonderful photos. Love the perspectives in each. You have a good eye for what is appealing. 💙

Chatty Crone said...

Haha - we have to be good - right? I know how you are feeling today - the heat here is just dragging me down - can't wait for cooler weather!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

crashed wagon is ME and how life seems to be... hang on for the ride, pray and wait to see what happens next

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like the photo of the uneven fence best! Good post!

Mevely317 said...

"We are here" ... and I'm so glad you are!
That uneven fence is so cool, and now this old journalism major is wondering who/what/why.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good thought to go along with the photos! You cannot feel older than me. I am unable to walk through the dollar store anymore, even holding on to a cart. Two aisles and I am done.

Mevely317 said...

It's 'me' again. If you don't mind saying, what is the name of your eBay shop? Mine is 'Caraleigh' ... named after my first 'heart dog.' I've had a little luck (key word, little) selling some things my family would have no interest in. Still, I struggle with estimating postage costs and wonder if it's worth buying a postal scale.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sending (((HUGS)) Take care and God Bless.

Marie Smith said...

Still looking at the green side of the sod is always a bonus! Take care, you two!

LC said...

So on the spot for this season of life! Thanks for your taking time out to post helpful insight!

sandy said...

Good attitude, Sue. I think we all go through these days. It's a good reminder to just take it easy and let it flow. You have been dealing with a lot of hot temps and well sometimes life just kind of sucks for awhile and then it doesn't. I think the way it changes to beautiful is to remember our purpose which is like you said, love your neighbor etc.

Rose said...

I, too, wish I could escape for a while...but that is not possible. So just live and take it a day at a time.

Michelle said...

A lovely peek into the archives. We all get busy at times! I hope things are going well. Thank you for linking up.