Thursday, August 22, 2024


 About two years after our first trip to Nicaragua we found ourselves back there but in a different city and staying with a different family.

We stayed and worked in the city of Niquinohomo.  It was very rural but not quite as struggling and poor as Estelli.

Martha and Javier were the best hosts.  Even though Martha's English was very limited, we and Javier could carry on a pretty good conversation.

Our goals were more along the lines of sharing the Gospel and ministering to the church members having life issues.

We put on several Vacation Bible School sessions with plenty of activities.

My Hubby enjoying the kids.  Smiles can really help the language barrier.

This is Estebe.  During one of our Kids Club song sessions this darling boy came and sat down by me.
He wanted to sing with me.  So I sang the chorus in English, he smiled and sang right along with me in Spanish.  
I had my "cheat notes" of Spanish songs so I was trying to do my best to sing along with him on a few songs.  He loved it and giggled and just kept smiling and singing at the top of his lungs.  
Such precious memories.

We also put on a marriage conference.  Dave and I were the guest speakers.
I do believe some couples lives were changed and strengthened by our words.

Our group had the privilege of going into a public school and talking to the kids and also sharing our love of the Lord.

Dave and one of our team, Rachael doing a game with one of the classes.

I do love and miss this wonderful couple.

Javier and Martha's granddaughters, Jory and Mia

I will leave this post with one final photo.
The look on Javier's face when we drove away to go to the airport, will forever haunt us.
This trip and sharing God's love was good, I think, for both the people we met and had contact with, and for us too.
Even though the country is needy and has so much civil unrest, there is still HOPE.

I truly wish we could go again.
Such Beautiful People.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think my favorite is the wonderful photos of the children that you got!

Rose said...

I can just imagine longing to see them again.

Sparky said...

What a heartwarming post. Y'all are a treasure. Those children are precious. When we have Jesus, that hope is not unfounded. Those of us who trust and believe in Jesus Christ have so much to look forward to when we're all rejoicing with Him. I'm sure they're all so thrilled to have finally learned the truth of salvation by grace, not works, and gotten out of that medieval religion that's predominantly taught there. Well done. 💙

MadSnapper said...

precious memories, and all of this made me think of that song we used to sing. the wave good bye does look like he knew it was forever.

Mevely317 said...

Precious children, indeed! Their faces so attuned to what they were learning. Just like music, I think smiles bridge whatever communication challenges exist. Love the image of you four ... that's an exquisite background!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a beautiful story, and their faces tell it all. Yes, I am sure you made a lasting impact on their lives, introducing them to Jesus, Who loves them so much. Again, thank you for sharing your lives with them so that they might have eternal life. What a joy and blessing to be a part of that seed planting. You may have some surprises in heaven one day! (((hugs)))

Debby said...

Totally enjoyed you sharing this mission trip years ago. The children are so precious and you can tell they love Jesus. Do you keep in contact with Javier? I hope he is safe.

The Happy Whisk said...

More excellent shots!

Donna said...

Hope you got to stay in touch with the couple? What a hauntingly sweet last photo!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness you have had some WONDERFUL trips.
The kids are so cute! I love the little girl with pigtails.
You are right about a smile.
I am sending you one right now.