Thursday, July 18, 2024


 Yesterday I had a "wellness doctor checkup" at our local Kaiser hospital.

It was basically just to check my blood pressure progress.

I arrived very early for my appointment so I could be calm and not suffer from the White Coat Syndrome.

Instead I was called immediately in.  I thought Oh no ... no time to gather my wits about me.

I was taken into a dimly lit room with soft candle - like lighting.  Seated at a comfy chair and asked the usual questions.  Then the nurse said lets put your feet up on this foot stool and she then put the cuff around my arm.

She said now just sit here and enjoy the soft music and look at this screensaver that showed a dripping pitcher of water and puddles of water in a soft setting.

5 minutes of "meditation" and the cuff slowly inflated , got its reading, and went down for another 2 minutes.  This was repeated 3 times to get an average BP reading.  All the while I was alone in the quiet, peaceful room.

When It was done the nurse came back in and said my readings were perfect, no changes to bp meds and I was good to go.

I have NEVER experienced something like this before and thought WoW this is really okay.

Happily, I'm good and after all the stress Dave and I been having through these past few weeks, all I can say is Praise the Lord...

He is good.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Now that sounds like a doctor's visit to enjoy instead of dread!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Unbelievable!!! Was this a family doctor or a cardiologist? Too bad they all don't do this!

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Glad you had a good doctor's visit and your blood pressure was great.

Sparky said...

Not *that's* how BP should be taken. Nice. I'm glad yours was good. Thankfully, I never have problems with mine but Steve does. His is inherited. His diet doesn't effect it one way or 'tother. 💙

Sandi said...

That sounds like a very wise doctor's office.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that was a awesome way to get checked and be relaxed. Glad all is well.

MadSnapper said...

Shout Hallelujah! never heard of this and it was perfect, there must be a lot of people who don't do well.. an oasis for you in all your stress ..

Wanda said...

That sound wonderful! I keep a chart of my bloodpressure so when I see the doctor and the White Coat syndrome sets in, he can read my chart and see that I have normal reading at home.

So glad your welness check was so successful!

Mevely317 said...

Such a wonderful alternative to the usual slam-jam practice. Now that you mention it, my son experienced something similar a few years ago. No video, but there was the dimly-lit room and comfy seating. She also advised him to him to touch his index finger to his thumb and hold it that way. (I don't know if that makes a difference, but I've begun doing that every time just in case.)
Thank you for telling us about your experience!

Chatty Crone said...

My husband goes to Kaiser - and I have never heard that or seen that there. Very nice and progressive! Glad it was okay too.

Shammickite said...

Marvellous experience.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I have never heard of anything like that. It sounds very relaxing.

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said...

Glad to hear your bp is good. I must say that calming room is such a great idea. I know I get white coat syndrome. Enjoy your weekend ahead. I am joining you at Thankful Thursday.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great way for a medical office to check BP, Sue, because like yourself, I also have that white coat syndrome and yet the first thing the nurse always wants to do is check blood pressure. I always request to have it done a bit later and if they insist on doing it first, then request a second reading. It's good to read that the recent past events haven;t caused your BP to be higher.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Hi Sue, I just now added you to my reading list, as I keep seeing you making comments on my posts and on other friends' as well, and I said to myself, "self, you need to follow this lady and get to know her better!" So here I am. I must say, that sounds like the nicest blood pressure check I've ever heard of in my life! Wow! I wish more doctors would take that approach! I was getting more relaxed just reading about it! Great news that your BP was so good as well! I love the photo at the end...perfect way to end this post! Thank you for becoming a new friend also! I look forward to getting to know you better in the future.

sandy said...

What a nice meditative experience and congratulations on your BP being normal.

Marie Smith said...

Glad all is well with your BP. Sue! Have a great weekend!

Rose said...

That is wonderful news...


Me alegro de que todo esté bien. No hay más remedio que pasar los controles médicos. Ahora puedes salir tranquila y dedicarte a hacer fotos, que es tu buena afición.
Que tengas un feliz domingo.

Debby said...

Do they do this for everyone? Wow. That sounds relaxing. I had Kaiser for years. My three sons were Kaiser babies (Redwood City)

I can’t remember if I let you know, my blog is down. I’ll be over at Wordpress when I get it all set up. The only way to reach me on my old Blogger, blog is by using this address:

My domain has been transferred to Wordpress.

Forgive me if I already told you. It’s been such a mess with all that it entailed.


diane b said...

Sounds like a great way to test blood pressure.

Debby said...

Michelle said...

I am impressed with this! Not the treatment I get when checking my BP! I always have the "white coat syndrome". Thanks for linking up and be well!

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