Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Situations haven't changed but I wanted to thank all of you for your words of encouragement and prayers.

These touched my heart.  I so appreciate this "Family".

I thought I would give you a little follow up on our "Nicaraguan" son and what's going on with him.

Way back in 2006 Dave and I went to Nicaragua to visit several missions that our church..Bethel Christian Church supported.  Our leader and guide was Erick and his lovely wife Karla.  We just clicked! and had so many great talks and laughs.  Erick spoke very good English though his wife didn't speak too well.  They asked if we could be their US Mom and Dad .. not financial support but just family.

All these years we have kept in touch (thankful for the internet).  They are poor as is the majority of the nation, so we communicated by the local internet cafe.  Now as years have gone by they do have cell phones to use on a limited basis.

About 1 year ago Erick began to get sick and last August found him in the hospital critically ill.  Doctors' diagnosis is Viral Encephalitis.  Some recover from it but it doesn't look good for Erick.

He is now home but is unable to talk, walk, feed himself or care for himself.

Karla texted me yesterday and said she is so tired from caring for him.  She has to do it all.  Erick's family has given up on him and will not help in anyway.  Karla says she is so lonely too.  Their son is 6 and Erick is 45 .. so young.  I am hoping their church gives her relief once in a while too.  Karla wants to get a job but can't because of the full time "job" of caring for Erick.

Breaks my heart.  We can't go there, They can't come here..  Only God can work all of this tragedy out.

Thanks for reading through this and for your kindness.

I don't know what the answers are for this wonderful young man and his wife and son.

The only thing I can do is Pray and give it all to Him.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an awful situation. And what is WRONG with his family! Even if they have given up on him recovering, they should help out with his care.

Sparky said...

That is a scary situation. I'm glad that we serve a mighty, loving, generous, wise God. I'm sure Erick and wife are trusting Him in His will. Adding my prayers to the mix for healing, comfort and miracles to show all He is in control and answers all prayer. But even if we don't see where this is going or like the outcome may our love and faith in Jesus and His message remain strong. "To God be the glory, great things He hath done!" Keep us posted when convenient.💙

Mevely317 said...

What a handsome young couple Erik and Karla make!
I know your and Dave's hearts are breaking. I'm praying right now for healing and peace.

MadSnapper said...

This is truly a heartbreaking story and I agree they are a beautiful couple and I've already said a prayer for them and that God would send them the help they need

Chatty Crone said...

Such sadness. This is the thing - so many times we want to do something besides pray - I feel the same way - but think of it - prayer is a good thing to do. I am so sorry.

Debby said...

Well I’m praying God will heal his viral encephalitis. As well as the hearts of his family in their time of need.

Marie Smith said...

God bless Erick and his family. His story is tragic.

Donna said...

Heartbreaking! Where IS all the people from the church? And his Family?!! So sad...I hope they come soon and help her...Eric should be able to walk again with help in his recuperation...Bless them Both...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This is so sad. My heart aches for him. Praying she gets the help she needs. How could they give up on him. (((HUGS)))

Michelle said...

So sorry to read this. I pray that everything turns out for the best. Thank you for linking up and all are in my prayers.

Rose said...

What a sad and scary situation. It is hard to be so far away from loved ones in times like this. Please keep us updated.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There is little to add, Sue, to the previous comments. This situation is indeed so sad for this couple and their son. It was frustrating to read that the family is of no nelp.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so sad, but nothing is impossible with God.
Praying for a miracle of healing for Erick, and for help for his wife.
I have never heard of manzanita trees, but the colors are beautiful.