Wednesday, May 08, 2024


 Monday was another day of working long and hard on our "Jungle" in the backyard.

Dave and I really accomplished quite a bit and were too pooped to do anything.

We jumped in the car and went out for a bite to eat.

The thought of standing in the kitchen and cooking wasn't a good solution.

We enjoyed our meal and when we went out to the car ... this is what we saw ... 

Groan ... 

First thought was, Oh no.. more money we don't have to get new tires...

Called AAA and they came to change the tire to the Donut...

Second thought was, I am so grateful we were where we were.

Good accessible parking space and we had changed our mind as to where we were going to go and eat.  If we had gone to our original choice, we would have been on the freeway going at a much faster rate of speed and problems getting off to the side of the road.

Those positive thoughts really did help.

Yesterday we went to America's Tires and had a terrific guy help us.  We have 2 new tires and a good alignment done to our OLD car.

We just last night sold 2 things on eBay which will give us $100.00 towards the bill.  That eases the pain a little.

I am thankful for the Lord keeping us safe and providing for our needs.

Always be Thankful.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm glad you were able to get help without excess of drama, although cash disappearing is always annoying. I think AAA is the best, glad they took care of you.

Marie Smith said...

Glad it worked out less painfully than you first expected, Sue.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You're right. It could have been worse if it had happened on the freeway. In the grand scheme of things, it's just tires. My mother-in-law used to say, "It's only money." which used to bug me royally, but now that I get older, she was right. Granted, no one wants to have to pay for unexpected surprises, but I can think of a lot worse things. I'm just happy that it worked out as good as it did - a real God job!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, any idea how it happened? So glad it all worked out this well!!

Sandi said...

That is a good way to look at it. Sometimes we don't know why some inconvenience happened, but God is good, so maybe it is actually good somehow too.

Michelle said...

There is always a positive side to everything. Sorry it happened, but so glad you are both okay.

Rose said...

It did work out for the least not on the freeway, and not while driving. But I feel your pain with the spending.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a good practical example of what it means to live out 1 Thessalonians 5:18. The verse does not say we should be thankful for everything that comes our way, but rather to find something to be thankful for in it, which you did.
Glad it happened in a parking lot and not on the freeway, and also that you were able to pay for part of the unexpected expense with a sale on eBay.
P.S. You guys seem to do really well with your eBay sales.

Mevely317 said...

What a delicious bite of perspective! Yes, you're most blessed.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been in your shoes recently - 4 tires - because my tires were so old they said legally they could not repair the one that was flat.
Glad you had something positive to help.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you got the new tires, we just put 4 on bob's truck, and ours is older than yours and they refused to rotate them because they had no tread. both our cars are old, 2004 and 2007, and their will be no new car. I pay the price of AAA just for things like this, and we have had it years and years and only used it twice but if I let it expire that is when we will need it. glad you are safe and home and safe to drive again

Sparky said...

Holy Toledo! Yes, always look for God's blessings in everything. I need to post about what happened to me yesterday. Oh my goodness ... what a turn of events.
Blessings. đŸ’™

sandy said...

Good that it all worked out. I often find it best to listen to that gut feeling. I had an incident yesterday (nothing important) that had I listened to what I felt I should do instead of doing what I did, things would have been different. Good for you listening.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that you had a good outlook and made a hundred smackers on eBay. Well done you guys!

Michelle said...

Thank you for linking up!