Monday, May 06, 2024


 Saturday we had a humdinger of a rain storm.

Thunder, lightening, hail and rain dumping all around us.

I went into the kitchen to pour myself another cup of coffee and looked out our sliding patio door.

There sitting right on the top of the broom handle was a sweet little bird.

He had come in under our roof to get out of the hail and cold.

I had my phone with me and snapped a shot through the window just before he got startled and flew away.

I found out he is a Black Phoebe.  I have seen them bouncing around on our lawn stirring up some tasty bugs, but never just balancing on the broom handle before.

Not the greatest photo but I'm glad I got it at all.

Have a great day...


Sparky said...

Cool. We get Phoebe's here too (Southeast Georgia). I like watching them chase the bugs.
We need rain! Please send us some. LOL

Mevely317 said...

Perfect timing! I've never heard of a Phoebe, but I like the name. Must ask our resident starlings and cardinals.

Marie Smith said...

Smart bird. Your timing was perfect!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet little guy, and so glad he found a safe port under your roof edge, love this

Michelle said...

Sweet little bird! I think birds are so hard to photograph.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So cute! It almost looks like an ornament on the broom top!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Saturday was a dreadful day of rain. Never had any thunderstorm here but across town there was some. I had to give my dog a trazadone anyway, just in case when my husband texted me telling me it was thundering downtown. I think other places got more rain than we did but it was at least over an inch!

Poor bird. I saw a wet hummingbird on Saturday out my kitchen window...try getting a photo of a hummingbird with an iPhone is impossible. (at least for me it is)

Warmer days are in the forecast so that will be good for the bones!
Have a great week.

Donna said... glad he found refuge with you!
So sweet...
Happy week!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What a cute bird picture.

Chatty Crone said...

Haha, you are getting birds - I am still trying!