Monday, January 01, 2024


 Happy New Year !!

Happy Birthday to my Honey!!

82 years of Life and Adventures for Dave.

He's one in a million and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

What a way to begin another trip around the sun.

Love him

Love and Hugs


MadSnapper said...

LOVE the photo! Happy 82nd Birthday to your hubby and i just thought this morning, this is the year I will turn 80. yowsa

Chatty Crone said...

What a day to be born on - cool - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wanda said...

I left a comment on fb...told him he was a big handsome hunk...and You were lucky to have him...82, great year. Now we share it.

Love and Hugs.

LC said...

Isn't it a blessing to have a wonderful mate to share life with. Prayers for you both. LC

Marie Smith said...

Happy birthday, Dave and Happy New Year to you both!

Donna said...

Happy 82nd to your Dave!!
Happy New Year to you both!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday Dave! Hope he has a wonderful day.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to Dave!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Happy Birthday to Dave, and Happy New Year to both of you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Adding my best wishes to Dave on his 🎂 and hope it's a wonderful year of adventures and experiences. Celebrate the entire year is always my advice to everyone as we only celebrate the number once in our lives🎈

LC said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate a new year! Blessings to you both.LC