Thursday, January 18, 2024


 We are so excited.

Our younger son Mark, his wife Kellie and one daughter Maddie are here for a few days.

They flew in last night from icy and snowy Portland, Oregon.

Mark and Steve have been planning a few days of celebration for our 60th wedding anniversary (actually coming at the end of the month.)

We didn't want a big party or gifts but just some family time together.  

AND.... it's happening!!

Most things are going to be a surprise for us so I will try to update as the Adventures occur.

We are so blessed

Prayers for Daughter in Law Kellie.  She has had a kidney stone attack and hasn't passed it yet...Poor things isn't at the top of her game.  I can see it in her face in this picture while they were waiting to board the plane.


Chatty Crone said...

So you guys are 60 years married. How cool is that? And getting people together - that is awesome - I am so happy for you.
Yes, I think I am ready to come back - I missed it. Thank you so much!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How awesome that they are visiting with you and that you are going to celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary. Prayers for Kellie.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations! Oh gosh, what a bad time to have this attack! I look forward to all your fun goings-on!

MadSnapper said...

So sorry about the kidney stone, I pray she will pass it so she can enjoy all the fun. what a super way to celebrate 60 years. this past sept would have been 60 for me and my sons dad. bob and I are at 40

Aritha V. said...

O a kidney stone... awful. And 60 years... congratulations!

Marie Smith said...

So excited for you both! Enjoy this family time!

sandy said...

wow Sue, 60th~..congratulations.

We are heading into 53rd this May.

Michelle said...

That is such a milestone anniversary! Prayers for Kellie. Thank you for linking up and enjoy your family time!