Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 Some of you may remember my son Steve's trip to India several years ago.

It was a trip called Focus of a Child, involving moral lessons from the Bible and photography.

This week he and a team of 5 are in Costa Rica for a mission trip involving photography.

They have so far taken 150 individual photos of kids and families that have NEVER had their picture taken.

They have a battery operated printer and frames so the photo is taken, immediately printed and handed to the person.

The team has experienced every thing from tears to fascination and pure joy.

Truly a life changing time for everyone.  Love , God's Love and a smile is what this entire week is for the team.

These photos are from various ladies on the team.

I thought you would enjoy them.

In the jungle after a 5 hour drive to meet these families.

You can see Steve's laptop, printer and paper in his "office"

So grateful for modern technology.

Steve "working" in his office
Don't you love his desk?

One proud little girl with her picture

This gentleman was completely blind but wanted to pose with his wife for this memorable photo.

Steve took this photo when he finally got a chance to do some photography of his own.

A sweet girl dressed in her finest for her photo.

I am so proud of my son and the entire team.

God has blessed them every day of this adventure.  Four of the ladies have never done a mission trip before.
They are being stretched in ways they never thought they could do.

Be sure to enlarge the photos to see the detail.


Donna said...

Oh Sue! These are Wonderful!! I know the people Love them!
Your son is Godsent!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I never would have thought about there being people who have never had a photo taken or ever thought of a battery run printer. what a blessing to the people and to the ones that are doing the mission. the one of the couple at the fence is award winning in my book and should be published for others to see. on a canvas it would be beautiful to hang on a wall. it is the story it tells, not who the people are. wow!

Marie Smith said...

Wonderful work! It brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye!

Wanda said...

Steve not only is a wonderful photographer, but has the heart of missions and such a eye for capturing life. How thrilled those children and folks are to have an image of themselves.

Sue, Steve got some of those gifted genes from you!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This was for sure not an easy trip, but how wonderful!!

diane b said...

What a lovely idea and fabulous photos.

Linda said...

What a blessing your son is and thank you for sharing this!!! Such sweet joy!!

sandy said...

I am amazed at what your son and team are doing wonderful and I have goosebumps while writing this. When I get chills it's my Spirit saying This is Love.

Sandi said...

India! Wow. How hard is it to let him go? I can see he is an adult, ha ha, but I mean how do you do it?? 😄

That is a wonderful idea with the photos and the kids!

Rose said...

I want to see pics on my computer..hoping I can remember since today is going to be busy.