Thursday, May 11, 2023


 Tuesday was a great day.

We finally were able to get together with our small group bible study for dinner.

It had been 3 months since we last met.

Sickness, out of country, jobs etc. always getting in the way.

I call it our "Chat and Chew" time.  Missing 2 because of pneumonia invading

their home.

Here's our not so great photo but at least we got a forever shot, thanks to Jeff getting us all in the picture.

Today may be a bit rough for Dave and I.

This morning he is having an Upper Endoscope test under anthesetic.

It's about 3 hours long and sometimes Dave has reactions to the anthesic.

Prayers appreciated for a good outcome and also answers to his not feeling up to par.

Thanks in advance



MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like a fun bunch of friends. glad you could get together. Prayers going up now for him to be fine after the test and for the doctors to find what is wrong.

Marie Smith said...

You both are in my thoughts today, Sue. Good luck to Dave.

Ruth Hiebert said...

By now I’m sure the test is over,but I pray that there will be no side effects and good results.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Please let us know what they find!

Wanda said...

The small group looks so fun. After a long absence. Smiling faces!!
Sorry to hear about Dave and the proceedure. Praying all goes well, and they can find out what the problem is of his not feeling well. Could it be an ulcer?
Sending prayers that God will do a mighty work of healing and comfort for you both.

Love and Hugs
Keep us posted.

Donna said...

Praying for your Dave!!

Rose said...

I am reading, trying to find out why your hubby is having the test...

sandy said...

Hope by now Dave had no long term effects from anesthesia.
Good for you to be able to get together with the group