Tuesday, May 09, 2023


 We have been thankful for all the rain but oh my, the weeds love the rain too.

Yesterday Dave and I got outside and mowed the lawn and began pulling the weeds.

Yikes what a job!

Its only half done 


We were!!

Having our Small Group Bible Study here for dinner tonight and we wanted our home to look like someone actually lived here...😀

As you can see the sky was threatening.

Nothing came of it, but we got a lot of work done and were pooped.

Now to get ready for company !!


Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks like you have extensive property!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, that is a lot of work in those photos. hope you are not to tired to enjoy your guests. and that the rain holds off and comes down here to us...

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, I had forgotten how big your yard is!! How we loved sitting on you patio and enjoying the view. I can still see Molly Girl running around in your back yard investigating every nook and granny.

That's a ton of work. So glad we don't have any yard work. Keeping my flowers on the balcony is my garden spot and back yard.

Marie Smith said...

Well done! Everything looks lovely!

Donna said...

Oh my goodness! You did a lot of work! Hope the bible study was fun as well as inspirational!

Michelle said...

Yard work is serious WORK! Whew! Glad you were able to get it done.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is so rewarding to see everything look cleaned up. I know that feeling, but right now, I still see too many weeds in my garden.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like a really hard task, but your yard looks lovely.
Hope you weren't too tired to enjoy your Bible study.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go. Hope your Bible study went well. Take care.

diane b said...

Amazing how visitors motivates one to clean up the yard and house. Well done it looks like a big job.

Rose said...

You guys have been working hard to do that! I forgot to say I am glad your Bible study group got to get together. Sorry to hear some had pneumonia and could not make it.