Friday, April 07, 2023


 The last two days have been interesting and very different.

Our neighbor was willing to pay to have several of our redwood trees removed.

The roots were beginning to be invasive and because they were getting taller they were casting long shadows onto his pool.

We said fine since he was going to pay for it.

He also was going to have 2 of his huge trees removed because of the root system and their causing problems with some of our pipes.

Yesterday was the day.

Trees are all gone.  A friend of ours cut our trees and a tree service did theirs.

Pictures of both tree removals are here.

Trees are all gone, everything is cleaned up,  my heart is finally beating again,  what an amazing thing to watch.

See that blue sky?

Today its pouring..go figure..


Hootin Anni said...

That's a costly service in our neck of the 'woods'!! It's very kind of your neighbor to flip the bill for the removal.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, it looks so scary having them up in the trees. That was nice of your neighbor to pay. I hope you are happy with it. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Easter to you and your family.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, what a difference! When we had our large tree in the front yard cut down, there was so much more light that came into the living room! Do you notice more light? This is such dangerous work, they deserve every penny that they get paid!

MadSnapper said...

entertainment and trees gone, nothing better than that. glad you did not have to foot the bill. I am happy with all things free to me... trees do wreak havoc with pools

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you did not have to pay - very expensive - now you can see the rain!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I’m glad you got that all done before it rained.

Donna said...

Very good of the neighbor! Everything looks nice and clean.
Happy Easter!