Saturday, March 11, 2023


 Today is one of those days..

I got "nuthin'.."

Just a bit down and unmotivated for no particular reason.

So here are a few photos from the archives describing ME.

with a glimmer of sunshine thrown in...

Enjoy your weekend

More rain to come around here and gobs more snow in the mountains.


Carol said...

This has been my last few days as I have been sick since Wednesday night. I finally feel a bit better today, but goodness it's been tough

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your case of the blues has created a beautiful post! Seems the more tormented we are, the more artistic we become. All things must pass.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are hoping for rain tomorrow, we are in the desparate for rain and praying it will. you are in the opposite. I feel just like those smashed cans.

Donna said...

Sometimes it's a bit hard to snap out of the doldrums. Sunshine, vitamin D3 helps as well.
Hope you're soon your happy self!!

Marie Smith said...

Great photos, Sue. Have a great week.

Chatty Crone said...

I like what Ginny said. So true.