Wednesday, February 01, 2023


Yesterday, January 31st, was Dave and my 59th wedding anniversary.

It really boggles my mind that it has been that many years!

Lots of trials and lots of mountain top days too.

God is a good God and we thank Him every day for everything.

Us   59 years later...

To update you on our car situation...

Again God is good !!

The cost was really expensive to have the car repaired 


It was laid on 2 special friends hearts to help us out.

It was actually 2 people that we would have never expected any gift from.

They were so above and beyond generous that the entire amount is paid for.

Our car should be ready by tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.

We are humbled and learning to just say thank you.

Its difficult to be on the receiving end of things when we are so used to being on the giving end.

What a roller coaster couple of weeks this has been.

Lots of lessons learned!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy anniversary!! You cose really good photos! When we are in trouble, lots of times the ones who come to our rescue are not the friends we would have thought would. Phil is dying to know what was actually wrong with the car, please leave me a comment. It was a puzzle to him, and he is good at mechanics.

Hootin Anni said...

Such great news that a couple came thru with expenses!!!
Happy 59th to the both of you!!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy 🥂 Anniversary to you both and 59 years is something to be very proud of as well! The wedding photo was lovely to see and thanks for sharing, Sue. It was wonderful to read about the generosity of friends regarding the car repairs. I had to backtrack to read the previous post to learn what happened. Glad that Dave was able to pull off in a safe area when the problem surfaced. I also have an older vehicle, but thankfully it passed the annual state inspection this week with no issues and I suspect the technician was doubtful according to the representative when I paid the inspection fee.

Chatty Crone said...

Wow happy anniversary. 59 years. And what a gift from God and friends!

Marie Smith said...

Congratulations of this wonderful anniversary! So happy that the car wasn’t the catastrophe you thought it might be. People are good. God is good.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Thank you to the friends that helped, wow! the world needs more people like them for sure. Happy Annivesary. as I looked at both photos I thought the gap between the photos is how fast time went for 59 years. last year I was invited to the 60th Highschool Reunion and I thought how can that be? just like looking at your photos.... so happy your car will be ready soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Congratulations! Happy Anniversary.
That is beautiful news on your friends coming through for you on your car repair.

sandy said...

wow, congratulations on your anniversary - that's a lot of years...which reminds me we're not that far behind... And wonderful about the car repairs being taken care of. I need to catch up here. What a blessing.

sandy said...

by the way that recent photo of you and Dave is beautiful!

Michelle said...

Congrats on your anniversary! That is such a milestone. Blessings come when we least expect them. Glad to know you have such wonderful friends. Thank you for linking up!