Tuesday, January 03, 2023


I finally got a few photos off of my cell phone to share with all of you.

These are some from our day trip to San Francisco.

We visited a "store" called Restoration Hardware.  Truly it is more like a museum.

It's very High End and many designers go there to get their specialized merchandise.  There are no price tags..just a code in the description to look up and order.  Very Chic ....

Its a fantastic photo opp. but they don't allow photo shoots or huge camera equipment in the 4 stories of amazing Eye Candy.

This sculpture is on the rooftop patio area.

As you can see it was a rare day in The City.... no fog or wind...

Amazing lighting and presentation

And, one final photo of the Battery down by the Golden Gate Bridge.

I really like the linear look of this.  Lines and shadows are a favorite for me.

I do have another set which I will eventually post.

Have a great day.


Chatty Crone said...

Those photos are so wonderful - that place has some really unique items there. And the day looked gorgeous!

Hootin Anni said...

*singing "I left my heart in San Francisco". Love the city. And your photos are extraordinary. Looking forward to more.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this place is incredible. It must be ne of a kind, and more like an art gallery. They may not have listed the prices in order to avoid heart attacks.

Marie Smith said...

This place is a wow for sure. Glad you shared it, Sue.

Wanda said...

Sue, you got some unbelievable perspectives in these marvelous photos. I'm sure they will come in handy for your Photo Club on the blog.

So glad you can get out and about and take day trips. You live in an area to see lots of things.

Everytime I made the Persimmon Bread, I remembered the wonderful trip you and Dave took us to see the process of making dried persimmons. That was so much fun.

Oh for the days to do that again!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that light fixture up up and away is stunning. i love it and would like to wander through looking. I thought it was a museum, can't imagine shopping there. i bet that light cost more than my house. beautiful photos

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That certainly was an amazing place and that sculpture of the reclining lady was my favorite in this group.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great photos and perspectives.
It does look like a museum.
My favorites here are the last two statues at the end.
You have a good eye and a good camera.