Thursday, June 09, 2022


 Here are the last photos I'm going to share with you from Amanda's wedding.

Many are out of sequence but I want to have them for my annual photoblog book.

Amanda's sister Lauren

Both sides of the family..  Billy's and Amanda's

Lots of people to get to know.

Amanda's Aunts, Uncles, Cousins


more of dance with Daddy

cake cutting
Billy's Aunt made all the individual cupcakes and the larger cake too.

The last few are of us all dancing...

Group dancing is great.  No one feels left out.

We even got Lynne up dancing.  Lynne is my friend that I do care-giving for every week.

As you can see..nighttime in the mountains is pretty chilly.

First time I have ever worn a jacket and tennis shoes to a wedding.

I was so happy that Mark and family could join in all the fun too.

And WE all lived happily ever after...


Rose said...

Ih what memories!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all excellent choices for the book and I love the one of you dancing with the bride. that is maybe the most people I have ever seen in one family foto. wow... group dancing is a great idea because at our age we have something to hold onto so we don't fall down9

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot one thing. you have two absolutely beautiful granddaughters

Marie Smith said...

Wonderful photos and memories. What a huge family!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, so much family, I love it! My family and my husbands are very small. Loving every photo I see. All so precious. The cake photos are so much fun!!!

sandy said...

Wow fantastic photos. I actually have to say my favorite (of course they're all beautiful)...but my favorite is the third from the bottom, the way the light is hitting you. Its such a beautiful photo.