Friday, January 07, 2022

DUMB ... DUMB ... DUMB ....



Just how hard can it be to walk 3 more steps and put the package up by our front door?

To deliver our package and leave it out in the open and in the rain...Stupid...

The box was very soggy but the thing we ordered was okay,  fortunately.

I just don't get it!

This was not Amazon or UPS  but a private delivery from the company..

** Actually upon further inspection we found that several of the ink cartridges ordered were damaged by seeping moisture.

Dave called the company and filed a complaint.  They are sending out new ink by UPS.

What a world !!!


 At least got a new blog post to share...  😁


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am trying to think of a valid reason of any kind to leave it abandoned in the wet place. was the sprinkler on? it makes no sense at all... the world is Dumb Dumb Dumb and nothing to be done about it

sandy said...

How ...can't think of a good word.... dumb and unthoughtful this was. Shaking my head.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Some of the delivery personnel don’t think very far.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We actually have that happen from Amazon sometimes. It's ridiculous!! What is wrong with people.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief!! Must be a very disgruntled employee. I'm glad you are getting new ones.

Marie Smith said...

In this day and age, parcels can be deposited anywhere on the property here.

Wanda said...

HaHaHa, Sue you are so funny. How I miss you and your wonderful sense of humor. What a deal with the delivery. But, got a post our of it, and a chuckle from your viewers! I am finally back to will see why I've been silent for a while! All is good, just have to make a few adjustments!! Called Life! Love and Hugs

Hootin Anni said...

Dear me...the world is getting dumber by the day!!!
I'm glad your sweet cheeks filed a complaint. And getting replacements. Workers are just dumb...they want a raise in pay,and work less...then do stupid things such as this and then wonder why it costs so much for the consumer.

Logic & economics do not go hand in hand.

Martha said...

I call that lazy and irresponsible.

jel said...

sorry to hear that.
hope ya have a better week.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...thanks for your profile compliment. 😊

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gosh, they might as well have thrown it from the truck (actually, maybe they did.) Boo hiss! Last week we were finally able to get a new replacement dishwasher (hard because of supply chain issues) and then the delivery service dropped the box as they were taking it out of the truck -- there was damage so of course we did not accept it (they were not happy). It was a private service like yours, not the store we bought it from -- we are promised another one (eventually) -- I hope they use a different delivery service. Honestly, sometimes you wonder!!

LC said...

I am admiring your restraint in choosing your venting vocabulary!!. Hope the delivery actually is HOME delivery, not street side delivery.