Monday, November 01, 2021


 Here we are at the first day of November.

Time is just flying by it seems.

I have to say that the Lord has been doing a work in my life, 

and I am very grateful.

The two books I have posted are very instrumental in my everyday life right now.

I really enjoy this author..Bob Goff.  He is quite a man that tells IT like IT is.

At first reading he seems simple  but his quirky was of thinking had me delving into my own life.

He's entertaining but profound.

I read the book Everybody, Always some time ago and thought it was good, underlined a few things and

 then promptly put the book away and moved on.

On a friend's prompting I dragged the book out again.. my goodness...

Have you ever had a book speak to you after not being particularly impressed before?

Its all about lessons learned the hard way and about loving Everybody even when you don't want to.

I recommend this book..I read it one chapter at a time.

It's Light ...but...It's Not.

Happy Meanderings


Hootin Anni said...

Yes, a good book (no matter the genre) is often better the 2nd time around. I think it has to do with how our lives evolve over the years and what concepts have changed ... I hafta find the books you share.

Happy Monday afternoon Sue.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These books sound and look interesting .

Wanda said...

Any time we can find a good book that speaks to a need, is a total blessing! Loving someone when we really don't want too is hard. I just have to step back, and take a closer view of myself and find out why it's so hard. If we didn't have to deal with "self" life could be a delight! HaHa..But Paul tells us to workout our Salvation with fear and trembling. Salvation is a one time gift, but there is some "assemby required" and that takes a lifetime. (Not a book...just thoughts from Wanda...tee hee!

Martha said...

I have an entire collection of books by Max Lucado, except I don't know which box I packed them into...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as a child/teen I read every book I owned many times. my adult life i have not. I do know what you mean, sometimes things we missed in books and movies pop out at us like we never saw them

jel said...

sounds good.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes time is going by to quickly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the books.

Marie Smith said...

Great recommendations!

sandy said...

That's the kind of book I like - I love inspiring books and i read more of those than novels these days...well really these past 20 years probably. Very few novels even though I use to love fiction. i still do really. Nice post.

LC said...

Thanks for introduction. Now on my must read list.