Tuesday, March 23, 2021



Thank you dear friends for all of your prayers and good thoughts on Dave's and my behalf.

I'm thankful that yesterday was a good day for him.

He and his new PT really connected and this made a lot of difference to his attitude.

Tomorrow all the Drs. consult together and I am hoping for good reports and a definitive plan moving forward.

Dave took this photo of his leg right before they took out the 20 staples and stitches

10 days after surgery.

Now he has many pins and gizmos holding everything together.

I know this isn't pleasant to see but I am doing this to have a record for my journal.

His view from his room window.

He says there is a Blue Jay that comes many times a day to pick twigs off this tree.

There must be a nest close by.

I'm glad he has something to look at besides 4 plain walls.

This is what's left of the culprit that put Dave in the hospital.

Its still "crying" after 2 weeks.

The Elder constantly drips day and night.

I have never experienced something like this before.

Before my son left to go back to Oregon we took a walk in our local park.

It was quite breezy so my hair is flying but it was nice to get out and get

a bit of Vitamin D.

And so it goes...

One Day at a Time !!!


Martha said...

Poor Dave, that's even painful to look at, but I'm glad he's coming along and healing well!

Anni said...

Oh my. Really, tho, it doesn't look TOO BAD. He's a trooper. Hope his new attitude & temperament continues to be good!! The healing is helped by attitude.

Love your photo Sue!!!

sandy said...

ugh looks painful. Just found out that my son's femur shot right ito the knee cap and broke it ...that's why it is taking so long to heal - lots of parts in there plus some kind of bone cement that takes a long time to set up really good. sees the doc again in a week and then from there should be able to put weight on. Sure hope Dave gets things moving and PT starts working and he can get home. I've only broken wrists and elbows - nothing that I use to walk on , lol.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes, that is not the most beautiful , but it looks like it is healing. Praying for a full recovery.

Chatty Crone said...

I had to stop by and leave a prayer for Dave - ouch! ♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, he really got clobbered! Is he in any pain now? And that awful stump! It needs to cry after what it did!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first thought in my head is how can it be 10 days since the surgery? wow, that was a shocker. owie owie owie was my second thought.. that stump should be crying after destroying Dave's leg . prayers for healing to happen and that he can get back home more mobile

Marie Smith said...

You sound positive and hopeful. Yay. I am happy Dave is doing well and so are you. Take care, Sue.

Shammickite said...

When I first saw that leg photo. my own legs both started to ache! I'm so glad that Mark was able to help out around the house and keep you company while your life changed so drastically. Dave is in good hands, and he won't be sent home until it is certain that he is on the road to recovery. Stay positive, both of you, and look after yourself well, Sue. You're going to be needed as a caregiver soon. Hugs from me in Canada!

jel said...

Thanks for the updates,
take care

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well I hope he gets to go home soon but he must get stronger. That is quite and incision. He does have a nice view. Keeping him in my prayers and prayers for you too!

Wanda said...

Oh my, Sue, thanks for the update, but his leg looks pretty nasty. What a horible injury he had to endure. Glad coming home is in the near future. Will keep you all in our prayers. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my! That looks painful.
Prayers for a speedy recovery.