Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 I thought maybe you would find what my Hubby and I are selling on eBay now interesting.

We sell a great variety of things and I have always found postcards to be fascinating.

I'm not sure where or when we acquired these 4 Hawaiian postcards.

We decided it was time to put them into someone else's hands.

They have been in an album long enough.

This card is a real photograph and dated from approximately 1903

The photographer Edward H. Mitchell was well known for his Hawaiian photographs.

Make sure you enlarge this one so you can see the detail.

These are tourists in the 1890's up on the Hawaiian volcano named Kilauea.

They are scorching their souvenir postcards with the hot burning lava from the volcano.

I love how they are dressed while doing this.

This next postcard is of the Pali Battlegrounds on the Island.

What makes it especially interesting to me are the "Coolies" walking the trail with their

"yokes" of water or supplies.

This is from the late 1890's too.  It sure was a different time then.

This last postcard is of "Hula Hula Dancers" right at the turn of the century.

I believe that is Diamond Head behind them.

The women seem to have shirts on under their leis which helps date it.

The missionaries insisted the women go topless no longer.

Hope you enjoyed these postcards.

I find this type of history fascinating.


Hootin Anni said...

Wow...these will certainly be treasures for someone who collects postcards!! I think you two will have no problem selling them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

are the cards from thoe dates? or did they put his old photos on newer cards. they look really old but not sure they had post cards back then, whichever they are, they are quite amazing. wish you a quick sell

Ginny Hartzler said...

Really interesting postcards. The hula dacers don't seem very happy!

Martha said...

These are all very cool!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am sure someone will be happy to buy these treasures.

Marie Smith said...

They are great glimpses into the past.

sandy said...

wow, those are colorful and beautiful. I would think they would sell fast. I was on top of Haleakala volcano in Hawaii once . It was like standing on the moon ..the topography was amazing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I did enjoy seeing your postcards. They are amazing!