Wednesday, January 06, 2021


 This past week we had what seemed like a simple, kind of mundane photo challenge

with my Hubby and my Faith based Photo Club.

The challenge was " A Glass of Water".

People did lots of interesting and inventive shots.

I just could not get inspired.

Finally i took a chance and here's what I came up with.

Technically not the greatest but I did have fun giving it a try.

And there you go...

Shadows, water in a glass and sunshine coming in my window....


Hootin Anni said...

Stunning effects with shadows & color! Loving it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know i love shadows and glass and sunbeams on things. i love this.. i need to be in something that challenges me. good luck with stopping eating bad stuff. i am on day 7 today and hanging in by a finger nail... giving up white flour is so hard, i broke my habits and now have to create new habits... to undo the harm I did to myself the past year. i am not aiming at the weight but learning to eat healthy for a slow loss

Marie Smith said...

Love that long shadow shot. You did a great job!

Martha said...

I love all the light and shadows, the 2nd shot is my favorite!

sandy said...

I think your subject and the light and dark contrasts was a good choice. To me, the point is, you made it interesting.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think you did great.I have set a few photography goals for 2021. One is to get a photo from my deck in the morning and always from the exact same place looking in the same direction. I want to see how the scene changes over the year. The other is to take a picture each month of one particular tree that is near the Pembina Valley. It is a beautiful tree, so we'll see how that goes.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it is pretty. I would not have been able to think of a thing to do! This was a hard one!

Wanda said...

I think you did an extraorinary job! I love all the views. Challenge is good, you get an A+

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nice job. Interesting challenge.

jel said...

Very cool :)