Saturday, January 09, 2021


 The other day began with dense fog.

A "perfect" day for a photo shoot.

Hubby and I got in the car and went down to our local park.

Here are several shots of the start to the day.

These almost make me shiver just looking at them.

Today it's chilly but the sky is crystal clear.

Just another day in this crazy world of ours.

Have a great day.

Phil. 4: 6-8


Wanda said...

Fog makes really good photo's, but living in the valley for so many years and dealing with to tulley fog is something I don't miss.
We have lovely sunshine today.

Several people in our church have tested positive, so we are staying in. I had planned to go to church without Don, but can't chance bringing something home. So we will watch our Pastor at 9 AM and John Mac Arthur at 10:30. And if I decide to stay in my nightgown, I don't think they will care...HaHa

Ginny Hartzler said...

Spooky and mysterious. You really can't tell what the temperature is, either.

Martha said...

Great shots. Looks like it could be straight out a scary movie!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Perfect photos. Great day for taking them!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love those foggy scenes. There is something special about a scene shrouded in fog, almost magical.

sandy said...

Your park has a lake! i love foggy days for photo shoots. Looks nice.

Hootin Anni said...

Exceptional beauty! I love fog!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good job, i do love this kind of fog, the pretty kind, not the kind you can't see your hand in front of your face. these are beautiful

Carol said...

The fog adds such an eerie feel to the photos, but makes for fabulous photos as well. Thank you for sharing these with us.

Marie Smith said...

These photos look moody...lots of atmosphere. Love them.