Tuesday, December 01, 2020



Here we are at the first day of December and I'm talking about HEAT.

No, it's definitely not hot here in Northern California.

This was the word for our photo challenge last night.

This is our Photo Club that is on line for the time being.

We always have a great time chatting and looking at each other's photos.

It was just one word..HEAT...

My goodness what does one do with that?

We had entries from Firefighters to a grandchild running in his first HEAT of a race.


I couldn't think of anything until I was at the grocery store and saw the Jalapeno peppers.

so that's what I took.

Heat in your mouth..

So there you go!!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good choice!
We do have some heat is Southern California today.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That works for heat, that's for certain.

Hootin Anni said...

Okay...that works!

Marie Smith said...

Perfect. I’d never have thought of those! There wouldn’t be a bin of them in our stores either.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Not a heat lover, and that goes for outside temps and in the mouth temps... this was a great creative HEAT shot. would not have though of it... I am so literal, i thought FIRE and you know i love fire, so dig out the matches. ha ha... firefighter sounds good to.