Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Goodness, this month is zipping along.

Here we are at the 18th of November.

Several of you were asking what the "fruit" was pictured on my previous post.

It's from our MANZANITA tree/bush in our front yard.

Right now there are quite a few green "balls" hanging on the tree.

I don't see any turning orange yet.

It's raining right now so I'm not going to venture out to take another photo.

This one was taken last year with both the "fruit" and fall bell blossoms in full bloom.

I would say they are the size of a very large cherry.

This shot from last year shows the reddish trunk and bark of the manzanita 

and the bell like clusters of blossoms.  I love that this tree blooms during the 

transition of fall and winter.

So , I guess I can say that this is my thankful choice..

Thankful for Fall flowers.

I am also thankful for the much needed rain, the puddles and the delicate leaves

that have been sprinkled to the ground.

Enjoy your day

Be sure to enlarge the photos, especially the first one.

That way you can see the wonderful detail of the "fruit".


Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a fruit I am not at all familiar with. It does look interesting and those flowers are pretty.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The fruit is so different. I've never heard of it. I love the photos you shared.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Each photo is just absolutely beautiful all by itself. I love the details of the fruit of that tree and I have never seen one or heard of one. I don't think we have them here and I love that last photo with a water reflections and the leaves down in it

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those leaves on the ground...what a glorious photo. They look like gold coins. I have never heard of this tree! I am assuming the fruit is not edible?

Marie Smith said...

Those blossoms are gorgeous. Much to be thankful for.

Martha said...

I've heard of it but don't think I've ever seen one. It's beautiful!

Hootin Anni said...

I too have heard of this fruit, and have seen them...but, never eaten them...are they edible. Now, please, don't be selfish...when you're done: send the rain to us!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of this tree, but it's beautiful, and that picture of the leaves looks like gold coins. Also beautiful.

sandy said...

Beautiful photos! i love Manzanita trees/bushes - but we don't have any right around our area and lake. But a few miles up there are a lot. I love the little berries on them.