I was going through a box of old photos yesterday.
I found one of my Dad dated 1914.
Figuring the dates he should be 8 years old but I think he looks a bit older than that.
There is no photographer name on it which leads me to believe my Grandpa took it in his studio.
It could be a confirmation photo.
I love the high collar and necktie that doesn't quite go all the way up.
That slicked back hair is pretty cool too.
Hope your day goes well.
Nice to see you still blogging. This is John from the old Sinbad and I on the Loose blog. New cat, new title. Stay well.
Fantastic portrait! He was quite handsome and such a refined gentleman, I'm sure.
So, you got your photograohy skills in your genes...that explains your exceptional photos here!!
Such a sweet looking young lad and so well turned out!
Fantastic portrait and looks to be in excellent condition for it's age. He sure was a handsome young man!
I love it. Nothing better than old photos.
He does look older. But perhaps that is because he is dressed like a man. And looking very serious, as I'm sure he must have been coached to! Now I want to see him in shorts on a bike!
Great photo and memory.
i love seeing old family photos. I've been doing the same thing over the last two weeks; getting together a lot of my dad's paintings, writings, photographs..autobiography. Like your dad ...my dad had a dark room in the basement and he took a lot of first communion and confirmation photos for people in our little town. Enjoy your memory trip.
I love old photos. This one is so special since it's your dad! I used to collect old photos....and now MY own photos are considered 'vintage.'
I think your dad was handsome and well dressed. Do you think people had better manners back then? And I wonder if dressing nice and acting nice has something to do with the other....
We are just past Daddy's 107th birthday this past 21st. He was born in 1913 so a little younger then your dad but he did wear that slick back hair even in my lifetime when I can remember seeing it
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