Wednesday, April 01, 2020


Several days ago Dave and I walked our neighborhood and saw this beautiful

field of golden poppies.

As I was taking a picture, with my phone, a gentleman came up to us...

(At proper social distancing..) and started to visit.

We chatted for a good long time.

We found out that we only lived around the corner from each other.

One sentence led to another and we found out we had the same Faith,

the same likes and dislikes and ended up with us both issuing invitations to each others

homes when this pandemic is over.

A new friend and his wife...all because I stopped to capture some gorgeous flowers.

Looking for the Positive....


Ruth Hiebert said...

That is too cool.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are POPPIES?? Oh my! I love Poppies, but had no idea they grew in this color! Your picture is fabulous! Feel free to post many, many more pictures!! What a lovely story!

sandy said...

you don't know ...can't know how much I enjoyed reading this and your new friend... we have also been out and we don't really talk but the few people we meet along the shoreline or trails - ...we all bow to each other and gesture to pass we step aside ...your poppy photos are so beautiful. And i have to say - the more we are "isolated" the more we appreciate and love those we walk by.

i hope you get together with them some day.

Sandi said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am happy this story had a happy endig because when I saw the title The results of viewing Poppies, my mind went in a totally different view than this. you know, the Narcotic road. never even thought about meeting new friends.

Marie Smith said...

That was a perfect walk!

Chatty Crone said...

Something good in bad times! ☺

Shammickite said...

Ah yes, my mum used to call them California Poppies, she grew them in her little flower garden. I love that golden colour and the petals are so shiny!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How beautiful and what a nice story. It's times like this they we do reach out to others....we're all in this together. Take care and stay healthy. I'm glad you were able to get outside for awhile! Feels SO good!