Wednesday, April 08, 2020


I got a photo from our son a few days ago.

He wanted to show us a "Cheesy" (as he referred to it) selfie of what he does.

This is his photo of the training he was doing on Pig Lungs.

Pig Lungs are very similar to humans lungs.

He was demonstrating intubation of the ventilator for Covid 19 to other nurses in the Emergency Department.

So far they have not had a lot of cases at their hospital, but those they have are very, very sick.

This Mama is very worried for Mark and all those in harms way.

Prayers for all of us.

We will get through this thing together...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for your son and for all that are on the front lines of this war we are in

Sandi said...

Oh my...those lungs... Why are our lungs similar to pig lungs?? 😂

Praying for his safety. God bless him. He is a superhero!

Marie Smith said...

I hear you about the health care workers. Our daughter is a nurse in a nursing home. Dangerous times. Prayers for our children.

Chatty Crone said...

Prayers for your son!

Ginny Hartzler said...

He has gone to the front lines of war, and is so brave!! I know you are so very proud of him. If it weren't for him and others like him, we would all be sunk!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh, I can imagine how worried you are. I would be as well. May God put a shield around him and indeed, around us all.

Shammickite said...

Those are lovely clean lungs... that little piggy obviously was not a smoker.

jel said...

yes prayers and thank you goes out to your son and the many others!!

LC said...

A photo to warm a mother's heart! Prayers for him and for his family and concerned parents,

sandy said...

he is one of the heroes out there now -

May he remain safe and healthy .

We still only have 1 case in our small town - according to the county site - but who knows how many have been tested. I still believe we had something up here that sounds similar in January and February - so many on our fB mountain forum was talking about how sick they were and they were callilng it "the crud" ...I then got something like that the day after Valentine's day which lasted about 8 days.... anyway it would be interesting to know if this really was up here at that time.