Saturday, April 04, 2020

MACRO MYSTERY ANSWER Hootin' Anni's Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday I posted a fun indoor scavenger hunt.

It's a good challenge for this time of isolation.

I would love to see some of you try it.

Go to Hootin' Anni's link on my side bar to see the rules and what you need to find.

Here is my answer for the Macro Mystery # 10...

This Macro Mystery is something uncommon in my home.

The strange object found in our office is an original GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE RIVET.

When all the original rivets were replaced back in the 1950's,

They ( the originals) were dropped directly into San Francisco Bay.

Some fell onto Old Fort Point which is under the Bridge.

My hubby's Dad was able to retrieve some from the Fort.

Now we are the proud owners of a piece of San Francisco history.


Wanda said...

And thanks to you....we have one in our possession!! What a special treasure. I better label it before I die, or the kids won't have a clue what it is! haha.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is an amazing piece of history! I never would have guessed. It did look like some kind of nail, but too big and not shaped quite right.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is very cool.

Rian said...

I had no idea what your mystery object was. At first I thought some kind of a nail or screw, but it was too flat on the end. Don't think I would have ever guessed it. When I saw your glass cup and saucer, I remembered that I have some of those in pink...

Marie Smith said...

That is special. A piece of history for sure!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't think any of us would ever have guessed this in a thousand years. wow! love the story behind the macro. I have seen a couple more participating.. it was a super idea

Shammickite said...

WOW! That is SUPER! I love bits of history like that.

sandy said...

wow, cool story about this!