Tuesday, January 07, 2020


Around here , in the "Flatlands" of the Sacramento Valley, we get Tulle fog.

This time of year can be dampish and foggy.

The last few mornings as the temperatures drop we get an inversion layer of fog.

Pretty to look at

But difficult to drive in.

I guess this is our version of "Snow"  (:0)


Chatty Crone said...

I think that is the same version of snow we have.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Fog is pretty to look at and gives great mystical pictures, but I sure do not like driving in a heavy fog.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I never heard of Tule Fog, so I looked it up. Interesting to know! Apparently it is particular to your area. Great picture with both sharp focus and unfocused!

Wanda said...

I do NOT miss the tully fog! Had to drive to work in it and it was no fun years ago.
Today is bright sunshine.... New experience coming this afternoon. A nurse coming to show me how to bathe Don in the tub with the tub chair and shower hose...Never to old to learn new tricks....haha..Don has lost all modesty through 5 hospital stays. But we laugh a lot...God has a sense of humor too.

LC said...

Beautiful photo, but the scene is also really eerie. Drive safely!

Marie Smith said...

You don’t have to shovel your kind fortunately!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks pretty but only if I don't have to go out in it. once we drove from here to Savannah in a fog so thick we could not see one car length in front of us. 6 hours of fog driving and we were a mess.