Monday, December 16, 2019


We had a very busy weekend.

It seems there really aren't enough days to have company and go to friends parties too.

We had our annual traditional family get together, Saturday.

38 people strong.  This is mostly our Daughter in Law's side of the family

with a few close friends thrown in the mix.

We were spread out all over the place so the only 2 photos I took were ones

Of Santa's visit.

This one is rather Norman Rockwell-ish to me.

Maybe its the way the 2 little guys are eagerly waiting for their gift.

Since last Christmas a new member of the family has been added.

Auntie Haley is taking a photo of precious little Willow.

Next year I bet there will be tears because of that man in the red suit...

Hubby and I went to another party yesterday

But alas, no pictures there either.

That's the way life is sometimes.

Great food, Great friends, Great fellowship.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful pictures! Little Willow seems to be concentrating so hard!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like that all three children have on matching plaids. so cute. Willow is a baby doll..

Marie Smith said...

Great photos! Rockwellian for sure!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Pictures are wonderful ways to remember past events and people, but sometimes it's just more important to fully enjoy the moment.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree - those two boys looking at Santa - does seem like a Norman Rockwell photo - it was so incredibly cute.

jel said...

2 cute!
and thank you, merry christmas

Michelle said...

Great to hear you still have that family get together with so many!

sandy said...

such cute photos. I miss taking kids to see Santa. Growing up and so far away for so many of my grandkids. sigh.

LC said...

That first photo is priceless and, as you noted, could be a Norman Rockwell from my childhood. Then I got a chuckle from the second one, truly a sign of our modern way to capture the moment. Yes, little Willow is precious. Blessings this season and wishing you success in budgeting energy so that you can enjoy the festivities!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photos. Glad you had a nice gathering. That's a lot of people.
Merry Christmas!